Date: 2021-02-01,
Leviticus 23:44 - "And Moses declared unto the children of Israel the Feasts of the Lord." These Feasts of the Lord show us His wonderful redemptive plan towards Israel and the Nations.
Leviticus 23:44 - "And Moses declared unto the children of Israel the Feasts of the Lord." These Feasts of the Lord show us His wonderful redemptive plan towards Israel and the Nations.
The ten plagues against Egypt and their false Gods: Blood, frogs, lice, flies, cattle diseased, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the firstborn slain.
Matzah is the unleavened bread used at Pesach (Passover) and part is called the Afikomen. This is the only gentile (Greek) word used within this Jewish festival meal. It shows the inclusion of Gentiles into G-d’s plan of redemption, revealed within His feast depicting how He leads His people Jew or Gentile out of bondage and into covenant relationship with Himself.
This beautifully embroidered linen bag is used by Jewish families around the world as they celebrate Pesach each year. It has three compartments or sections within it where three pieces of matzah bread are placed. The Matzah Tash has become a very important part of the seder meal ranking alongside the seder dish containing the roasted shank bone, two types of bitter herbs, roasted egg, charoset (apple sauce mixture) parsley and salted water.
Why is this night different from all other nights? It is about ‘the telling’ or Haggadah in fulfilment of the command to ‘tell your son’ – Exodus 13:8. The ‘Haggadah’ is a service book which contains the Exodus account from Scripture of the Children of Israel leaving Egypt. It also contains rabbinic comments and traditions along with prayers and holiday songs.
Any believer reading the Gospel accounts of the Passover Meal will see that two cups are mentioned in Luke chapter 22 and just not one as we are accustomed to seeing in the other three Gospels. We are accustomed to only one as this is the cup our Messiah Y’shua referred to as being the New Covenant (in His blood) promised in Jeremiah 31:31. Let us note that every covenant is ratified through the shedding of blood as a sacrifice unto God.
The number 5 denotes grace and responsibility. It struck me that when chapters and verses were given to scripture " He was wounded for our transgressions " became verse 5 of chapter 53 of Isaiah. A surgeon looking at this verse, instantly saw Calvary. He pointed out that there are five kinds of wounds that can be inflicted on the human body. Jesus bore them all. Truly, He was "wounded for our transgressions".
The folded napkin or facecloth! (An astonishing Jewish roots insight).
1) Why is this night different from all other nights? 2) On all other nights we may eat all kinds of herbs and vegetables, why on this night do we only eat bitter herbs and why do we dip them twice? 3) On all other nights we may eat roasted, stewed or boiled meat, why on this night only roasted meat? 4) On all other nights we may eat sitting or reclining, why on this night do we recline with a cushion?
Find out the Scriptural answers to the Two Laws of Passover: 1) Exodus 12:43 – No foreigner shall eat it. 2) Exodus 12:48 – No uncircumcised person shall eat it.
The Passover Seder Meal – order of service.
This is the only Gentile (Greek) word in the whole Pesach Seder/Passover Meal. Why?
Life application principles for two key verses. 1 Corinthians 15:48 – At His crucifixion He is seen as the last Adam. 1 Corinthians 15:49 – At His resurrection He is seen as the Second Man.
Seven benefits of Messiah's atonement.
The Resurrection of our blessed Adonai Yeshua HaMashiach, the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead is confirmed by: 1) the Simplicity of the Narratives, 2) the Sincerity of the Witnesses, and 3) The Stability of the Scriptures.
The Feast of First Fruits is the third of the 7 annual Feasts of the Lord, as stipulated in Leviticus 23. It occurred in the spring season on the first month of the biblical calendar (Exodus 12:2), the month of the Abib (Exodus 13:4) or the Month of Nisan (This would be March/ April on the Gregorian calendar); which is the Sunday after the Passover.
Five outcomes produced by the Spirit of God at Shavout (Pentecost).
The results of preaching in apostolic days.
Names of the Messiah's followers in the Book of Acts.
There are three names for Shavuot (Pentecost): 1) Hag HaShavuot (Exodus 34:22) The Feast of Weeks, 2) Hag Hakatzir (Exodus 23:16) The Feast of the Harvest, and 3) Yom Habikkurim (Numbers 28:26) The Day of Firstfruits.
God’s moral standards set out in the Ten Commandments.
Godly and manly duties set out in the Ten Commandments.
A message on the Works of the Holy Spirit in the World and in the Believer.
A message on Shavuot, the fourth and last of the Jewish Spring & Summer Feasts.
Yom Teruah - The Day of Blowing - looking at: Yom Teruah in Scripture, Jewish Observance & Customs, Blowing the Shofar, Prophetic Significance and Yom Teruah's Significance For Us Today.
A look at The Trumpets of Alarm and Activity: for Israel, for the Church, for the Nations and for His People.
Yom Teruah – The Feast of Trumpets. TEKIAH – A long unwavering blast. SHEVARIM – Three short broken blasts. TERUAH – Nine part staccato blast. TEKIAH – One long blast.
Eight Biblical trumpets and their meaning for Israel, the Church and the nations.
The English equivalent for Yom Kippur is The Day of Atonement. The word atonement has to be seen from a Hebraic understanding to fully grasp its meaning. Kippur is from the Hebrew word ‘kaphar’ meaning to cover, so on Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) a covering was made for the previous year’s sins.
Seven signs of fulfillment in Hebrews, Romans and John.
Why the name? – ‘The Leper King’ – because within Judaism the Rabbi’s teach that the Moshiach (Messiah) is stricken, smitten, afflicted for our sins (see Isaiah chapter 53 verse 4) and so the Anointed One becomes unclean for us. ‘By His stripes we are healed.’ – verse 5 Few lepers were ever cleansed and yet Yeshua (Jesus) did this as recorded in Luke 5:12-15 and Luke 7:11-19.
Key verse – Leviticus 17:11. ‘For the life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes an atonement for the soul.’ (So Messiah through His atoning blood cleanses our souls before God). Key thought – What the blood of bulls and goats could not do – atone for sin. Hebrews 10:4
We must always look to the scriptures to see what the Lord has spoken of.
Five Scriptural reasons outlining the Millennium.
Seven Scriptural reasons outlining the benefits of the Millennium Age.
Key verse:- With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. Isaiah 12:3.
Our Succot Scriptural Promise (Psalm 102:12-22).
The Sabbath as the 7th day of the week is set. This article looks at the sever appointed Feasts of the Lord showing prophecy/things to come.
Looking at the five Hebraic roots of the faith: 1) The Abrahamic Covenant, 2) The Davidic Covenant, 3) The New Covenant, 4) The Lord's Table, 5) The Command to Evangelise the World.
4 types of men in 2 Timothy who represent the 4 Types of the Lulav: 1) The Etrog (Citrus Fruit), 2) The Hadas (Myrtle Branch), 3) The Lulav (Date Palm Branch) and 4) The Aravah (Willow Branch).
The four species of the Lulav are seen as four parts of the human body.
Looking at the eight events of this great feast.
The Historical Anti-Semitism of 168BC. The kingdom of Alexander the Great was divided up after his death and Syria and Judah was ruled by King Antiochus III. King Antiochus IV came next as the king of the Syrian Greeks and he bore down on his Jewish subjects with a measure of ruthlessness, stubbornness and cruelty that earned him the nickname Antiochus the Madman.
Many Jewish scholars see a deeper spiritual meaning to Chanukah as a time of light and dedication. The editors of the popular Artscroll Mesorah Series state: ‘Then, the light is kindled to give inspiration, for the light of Messiah must burn brightly in our hearts’. This is a logical conclusion. Because Chanukah is a celebration of deliverance, it has also become a time to express Messianic hope.
Chanukah - The Feast of Dedication. Chanukah is the Jewish word for Dedication. (So named because it celebrates the rededication of the Temple to the Lord after its Gentile desecration).
Chanukah - The Future Fulfilment. Ecclesiastes 1:9. ‘What has been will be again’.
A comparing and a contrasting.
Dedication in the last days. The eight Scriptural equirements of disciples.
What's In A Name? Chanukah In History. Chanukah Today. Chanukah And Yeshua. Chanukah And Spiritual Warfare. Chanukah's Message For Us Today. Chanukah Prophetically.
Tu B’shevat – The New Year for Trees. Key verses to read: Genesis 2:9. Deuteronomy 20:19. Psalm 1:3. Isaiah 55:12. Jeremiah 17:7-8. The Physical Tree and the Spiritual Tree
Four Trees that represent Israel’s History and Future.
The P’shat. (The simple rendering).
When was the idea of Flinthard Grudge first conceived? I can't say for sure; possibly the thought of such a character had been hovering in the back of my mind for sometime before it surfaced. But I do know when he was born.
The airship floated gracefully in the bright blue sky. Its stream-lined balloon of shining silver fabric displaying the Great King’s emblem, a golden crown above a cross, glistened in the noon-day sun.
Saviour Rock on which we stand,
Lift us up to higher ground.
Long in the valley we have lay,
Still, you’re our strength,
You’re our stay.
I rededicate my life to You dear Lord, my heart, my soul, my mind.
Hold my hand sweet Jesus Christ, let my feet Your foot prints find.
May you Holy Spirit show me things I’ve never seen before,
I’m hungry for Your heavenly food, please feed me more yet more.
This Holy state of marriage, created by God on high,
A companionship for life till one of you should die.
Before God this day you take your vows
And all you hold most dearly, to each other you endow.
Creation sings
A glorious song,
That fills the earth,
For all to see,
Waterfalls triumphant,
A glorious crescendo...
God can change the heart of man,
We think we know the best.
Whose heart needs changing?
He’s the one!
See the picture on the frame it’s there,
Woven in, each worry, each care.
See the green,
The envy and strife.
Dear Lord,
So far today I have not …
lost my temper...
That wondrous Cross roughly hewn; was where my Saviour died;
I’d heard about it from afar, but I never even cried.
And then the nails they pierced His hands, a thorny crown adorned His head,
And do you know I turned away, did something else instead.
A lthough things are not perfect
B ecause of trial or pain
C ontinue in thanksgiving
D o not begin to blame...
The Master was searching for a vessel to use:
Before Him were many,
Which one would He choose?
“Take me,” cried the gold one.
Not another coffee morning to keep the church roof on!
Just what are we doing to bring glory to the Son?
I’m not looking back, I’m not looking forward
I’m not looking left and I’m not looking right
But I’m looking up to Jesus, my saviour
I know I won’t sink as long as He is in sight!
When we come to know God as our Father we should desire to learn more in Christ’s school,
When we begin to discover the great I AM we should gladly submit to His rule...
The church should be there to disciple
Those that the flock have drawn in
The kingdom grows, when we witness
To the wonderful fact, that God’s made a pact & dealt with our problem of sin!
Is there a whisper of frustration
Within the church body?
Just a little desperation
Or is it only me?
We daren’t declare ‘denomination’ before the throne of God
Our confession must be Jesus & His all-atoning Blood!
What’s the point of the church’s existence If we aren’t winning others to Christ? It’s not a social club at week-ends
It’s not through anything we’ve done
But by believing we are saved
It’s not by going to church on Sundays
Or every day how we’ve behaved
This life is only preparation for the one that is to come
Which promises to be glorious if you know God’s only Son...
God made mankind to worship Him
But He gave everyone their freewill
Man chose to devise all manner of gods
After 6,000 years he’s doing that still!
Never underestimate your enemy, at any given time
If he finds a chink in your armour, then he’ll turn to any crime!
Blessed Redeemer, full of love and grace.
Wonderful Saviour, come to that resting place.
On a lonely hill, long ago, far away
Stood three stark crosses, one dark day
Nailed above His bleeding head, in three languages it said
“THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS” – whom they slay!
Eternity looms for the whole human race
Death not an option, for earth’s populace!
The choice is straightforward – it’s heaven or hell!
No purgatory to linger in, poor Catholics robbed as well!!
You cannot make peace with God when you’re dead!
When you breathe your last breath, your spirit has fled!
The scarlet harlot rumbles on, her goals forever the same
Tactics have altered, but changing dogma continues misusing Christ’s name!!
Religion cannot save you, neither can ‘systems’ nor men,
Or empty rites and rituals repeated again and again!
O Lord – there’s always a penalty to pay,
For every wrong choice that we make along life’s way.
We may go through what seems like ‘hell on earth’,
But when we KNOW the Lord Jesus, through spiritual birth,
Then we can be sure, God won’t let us endure,
Any more than He knows we are able to bear.
Could it be evolutionists are in for a shock?
When they face their Creator, the one they now mock!
They have His permission to do as they please,
Someday God won’t be dismissed, by ones such as these!
The Lord is my Shepherd says Psalm 23
That means we’re like sheep! and we are, I’ll agree!
Just too often we think, I’ll go my way instead
God’s way’s always best, on our own we’d be dead!
[Psalm 34 v 8]
‘Ye must be born again’ is what the Bible clearly says,
But few the TRUTH are seeking, so generally speaking,
People are embarassed by this phrase!
When you come to a knowledge of Jesus,
Repent and ask Him into your heart
You have ‘new birth’, so very essential
But believe me, it’s only the start!
Don’t tell me that man isn’t sinful
He is rotten, right to the core!
If there wasn’t a soul left to fight with,
Believe me, he still could make war!!
The world tries to eradicate Jesus,
Just as it did way back then!
Which exposes the open rebellion
Against God, that’s inherent in men!
The other week I got baptised.
Now my life seems more satisfied.
The things I see now make more sense.
No longer will I sit on the fence.
You can stop your ears, close your eyes all you want,
And simply ‘bury your head in the sand’...
To you, my Friend, these lines I send,
At this Christmas time of year,
To let you know I think of you –
Because to God you’re dear.
Another New Year, might this be the special one?
Could we possibly see the return of God’s Son?
Why would you ‘stick with religion’?
Which holds you ‘dead in trespasses and sin’,
Keeping rules and empty rituals,
The binding ‘traditions of men’.
Each year people go through this frantic routine,
Compelled to ‘do Christmas’, what does it all mean?
Godliness with contentment is great gain indeed,
Yet it started off with faith, as a mustard seed!
When you call on the Lord to be 1st in your heart,
And continue to surrender, life in each part,
Then you can’t help but be, delighted in Him...
Easy believism, a curse in church today,
Happy-clappy, diluted messages,
Feel-good factor, user-friendly,
‘Clean up your life’, not repent and obey!
2014 the best year of my life and that without doubt!
The ‘windows of heaven open wide’ – Abba poured His blessings out!
Once more Lord, I am coming to you, all I have and am, afresh, anew,
Wondering what You’ve planned to do? Now that 2015 is in our view!
Death looms larger the older we get!
We may choose to stay in denial and yet
Death comes to call anytime, anywhere
So it makes good sense that we should prepare?
Realising my quality of life is gone,
Why would I want to struggle on?
When I’m aware I’ve a mansion that’s waiting for me,
Where my spirit will go, when death sets it free!
Should I die tomorrow, there’s absolutely no fear
For I’ve had a glimpse of that which awaits!
The scenes on 9/11 can never be forgotten!
The world gazed, dazed in disbelief at NYC Manhattan.
I know depression’s, a terrible affliction
It saps every ounce of energy, strips us of all direction
When my life looked cosy and rosy to anyone outside,
Only God observed the tempest in my soul.
Nothing is too big and nothing is too small
To place in God’s hands, He watches over all
Salvation is trust – complete dependence on Christ
Holy Spirit flowing through us, via Jesus’ sacrifice
Start the day with prayer, casting all your care
On the One who knows all about you!
In this land, now so ignorant, of God’s most Holy Word,
It’s really quite amazing, just how often may be heard
“Quick-fix” Christianity appeals to flesh of men!
An emotional decision may give “security” but then
True colours are revealed with the passing of time
If a soul’s ‘born-again’ and ‘grafted into the vine’?
Might you still be in the place, where I once used to be?
I learnt so much on my arduous path, ‘All things work together for good’ – I can see
Since God ‘planted’ me in this estate, I feel compelled to tell folks of the fate
That is sealed by rejection of God.
Thank you for your bounty has provided seeds to sow
It’s such a thrill and privilege to pray and plant a tract and know
That God’s Word does not return to Him void
Lord, I hope I never hear the awful groan or wail,
Of those that I feel I’ve let slip, into the pits of hell
Lord, You see my heart, my tears,
In the depths of my spirit, You know all my fears...
There may be comfort in what we’ve always known
But great danger could lie in false security
Will no one intercede for my people?
Will no one go, no one pray for the ones l died for?
A lthough things are not perfect
B ecause of trial or pain
C ontinue in thanksgiving
D o not begin to blame
Ten little Christians standing in a line,
One disliked the preacher, then there were nine.
What are you celebrating, if you really don’t believe
that Jesus is the greatest gift, man ever could receive!
Christmas can’t be ‘christianised’, no matter how you try!
For Christ was never in it and here’s the reason why:
As we eat this precious bread and drink redemption's cup
We acknowledge all that our Saviour has done,
May our souls be nourished, cleansed, renewed
By the Lord Jesus Christ - God's anointed One!
1. A Little Sleep – A lesson about life in general.
2. A Little Ant – A lesson about being wise in this life.
A real friend warms you by his presence, trusts you with his secrets as you trust him with yours, and he remembers you in his prayers.
The Father’s love, the Son’s love and the children’s love.
FAITH is expecting to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
FAITH is believing for the blessings of the Lord, though they may delay in appearing...
(WRITTEN by a 15 yr. old school child)
The Lord’s Prayer is not allowed in most Public schools in America anymore because the word ‘God’ is mentioned.
1) A Precious Privilege.
2) A Priceless Privilege.
3) A Purifying Power.
1) Everlasting Love
2) Everlasting Strength
3) Everlasting Life
Based on Titus chapter 2 verses 11, 12, 13.
The Lord's Prayer gives us an appreciation of God's qualities.
1) Learn from the Lord Jesus, 2) Learn to keep the Word, 3) Learn to show piety, 4) Learn to do good (well), 5) Learn to maintain good works.
When you carry the Bible, Satan gets a headache...
When you open it, he collapses...
After 70AD and 135AD most of the Jewish people were scattered around the world in fulfilment of God’s Word due to their rejection of His Laws and then His Messiah (Yeshua/Jesus). However, God’s promise was that after their punishment was fulfilled He would bring them back to their Land that he gave them.
1. Israel became a state in 1312b.c. Two Millennia before Islam came into being.
2. Arab refugees from Israel began calling themselves ‘Palestinians’ in 1967. Almost two decades after the modern Israeli statehood...
“I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you … Genesis 12:3.
“I say then, has God cast away His people (Israel)? Certainly not! For I am also an Israelite …” (Paul) Romans 11:1.
What the Prophetic Scriptures Say
The LORD’s Reasons for Aliyah
Opposition to Aliyah
Lessons for Us from Aliyah
“If statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one percent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous dim puff of stardust lost in the blaze of the Milky Way. Properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has always been heard of.
We can no longer speak of the church fathers of the past nor of the great Reformation period as if they were without sin or error in their teaching.
The Prophets of the Tanach or the Old Testament foretold of the Jews second return as an event very distinct from the Babylonian captivity. The Books of the Prophets quite simply reveal this and so the Holy Scriptures cannot be denied or changed to give another interpretation.
There are a number of controversial verses within the Bible and Acts 7:43 is one of them. The first thing we must do is always look at the contextual setting and then rightly divide the Word of God with other exegetical rules and this we shall do in this apologetic study.
Satanic attacks on the Jews occur throughout Scripture (list not exhaustive)...
Genesis 12:3 "I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed”
There are five important sections of the Holy Scriptures which explain the subject of Baptism and why it is necessary for ‘Born Again’ Believers to be baptised. Please read carefully the following notes and scripture references, checking them in your own Bible.
Key Scripture: "….. this do in remembrance of Me. " 1 Corinthians 11:24.
Proposition: Let us open our Bibles and prayerfully read and consider all the verses quoted
Key verse: John 1-1:16-17.
He is called the Spirit of life, of truth, of grace, of adoption, of power, of comfort and of holiness.
The Holy Bible is ‘Wholly True’. What we have is ‘divine Revelation’ and not ‘human Reason!’ But as believers we do not have to throw our brains away in order to believe what is written. We have the ‘Facts for our Faith’ contained within the Scriptures and we shall look at these in this study.
The following two statements are unacceptable to modern day Judaism –
1. The belief in God as a Triune Being.
2. The belief that Messiah (Moshiach or the Christ) is the Son of God.
from the Hebrew Scriptures that we can see that there are three and only three distinct personalities that are considered divine from what is written for us. These are: 1) the Lord YHVH, 2) the Angel of YHVH, 3) the Spirit of YHVH.
It is within the whole of the Brit haDasha (N.T.) that we see the fullness of the Tanakh’s teaching about the Son of God. Yeshua (Jesus) clearly refers to Himself as Ben Elohim (the Son of God) and the New Testament writers who were all Jews bar one (Luke the physician) confirm this. We have then, all four Gospel (the Good News of Salvation) writers confirming that God has a Son.
The Bible contains: 3,566,480 letters, 773,742 words, 31,173 verses, 1,189 chapters and 66 books...
Definitions of Theological Words for all who Study, Teach or Preach.
First published by the Pentecostal Jewish Mission 1959.
"The words of the Lord are pure words:as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times" Psalms 12:6
When we are first brought up within Church life and also with other believers we meet they will influence our thinking from that moment on. Why? Because we are to make disciples according to our Lord’s command and so we will teach new converts what we believe to be the truth.
In these end times when so many are being blown about by every wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:14) and where we see teachers of the Word of God going beyond what is written (1 Cor 4:6) we need to be able to achieve a balance in all that has been written for us within the Holy Scriptures.
The subject of Holiness is of deep importance to and demands the attention of all professing believers. For it is on our holiness of life unto the Lord and to one another that we will face our own individual judgement (2 Cor 5:10 & Romans 14:12).
It is to be assured, without doubt. Heb. 11:1; 2 Tim. 1:12; Acts 10:20; Jas. 1:5—7.
It is to be confident that what God has said, is true. Heb. 11: 7, 11, 17, 19, 22, 30; Matt. 9:28; 1 John. 5:10; Rom. 4:3; 10:17; John 20:31...
In GENESIS the world was made by God’s creative hand,
In EXODUS the Hebrews marched to gain the promised land.
LEVITICUS contains the Law, holy, and just and good,
NUMBERS records the tribes enrolled, all sons of Abraham’s blood...
Forms of Discipline within the Fellowship.
First of all it should be noted that all Biblical Discipline is restorative after repentance is seen and tested by the elders.
Their fruit can be seen in:-
1. How they corrupt God’s Word. 2 Cor 2:17.
2. How they use letters of commendation. 2 Cor 3:1...
Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offences, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. Romans 16:17...
Blessed are they who are too tired and too busy to go to Church, for they are my best workers!
Blessed is the church member who expects to be invited to his or her own church, for they shall become part of the problem instead of the solution...
A look at the Scriptures concerning Satan's works, devices, craftiness and snares.
The primary way of Satan and his demons coming to rob and to steal and then to try to destroy the work of the Lord Jesus in the life of His saints is to use brethren or sisters within His Church. Overall though, the attacks are threefold being internally, externally and infernally orchestrated.
We are clearly told by the Lord through the pen of Paul to:
Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. 2 Timothy 2:15.
Greek word – Charismata – gifts of grace – occurs 17 times in the New Testament.
They are different from the ‘gifts’ in Ephesians 4:8 where the Greek word is Domata – gifts.
How to avoid deception and counterfeit manifestations of God.
A Biblical study by Q & A.
© John Mackay 2002.
One of the greatest works that God is doing by His Spirit in these end times is giving the Church back what she has partly lost over the centuries. This is of course a greater appreciation and understanding of our Hebraic and Jewish Roots heritage.
Do you observe it as the birthday of Messiah – the Christ?
If so why and on what basis?
Santa lives at the North Pole …
JESUS is everywhere.
Santa rides in a sleigh …
JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water...
A constrast and comparing of the Lord Jesus and Santa Claus.
There is evidence that Messiah was born at Sukkot (Booths/Tabernacles) in 2 B.C.
The key to calculating the date of the birth of Messiah is Luke 1:5 where we learn that Zacharias the father of Yochanan HaMatbiel (John the Baptiser) was a priest of the course of Abijah.
It is prayerfully hoped that this teaching will clarify matters on the subject of divorce and show the positions as seen within the Holy Scriptures.
Is God a God of Love and Justice or a God of Hate towards Sinners?
Key verse and thought: What sayeth the Scripture? Romans 4:3.
The Apostles and Prophets (apart from our Lord Jesus) are the only ones who gave us the Word of God by direct revelation which also contains things to come – prophetic happenings.
Zechariah 13:6 - There are at least three applications to this verse from Zechariah who wrote so much on Israel, her Messiah and the end time scenario for Israel and the Nations who come against her.
1. THE TIME – The day of Christ – Phil 1:10. The day of the Lord Jesus – 1 Cor 5:5.
2. THE JUDGE – The Lord the righteous Judge – 2 Tim 4:8. John 5:22...
In Genesis, Yeshua/Jesus is in type the Ram at Abraham’s altar
In Exodus, He’s the Passover Lamb
In Leviticus, He’s the High Priest...
God’s Past Dealings with Israel, God’s Present Dealings with Israel and God’s Promised Dealings with Israel.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary definition of fasting is – ‘To fast is to abstain from food, as a religious observance.’
It is a denial of food before the Lord with prayer regarding personal devotion or affliction of the soul and to ask the Lord to move regarding some issue or a particular problem be it spiritual or physical.
Edify – to improve the morality or intellect. To educate, to instruct, to teach, to improve.
Edification – to uplift, to enlighten, to nurture, to build up.
Key verse: ‘I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men.’ 1 Timothy 2:1.
What does the Lord's Prayer give us an appreciation of?
You may not know Me, but I know everything about you Psalm 139:1.
I know when you sit down and when you rise up Psalm 139:2...
Without it we face: DESPAIR, DREAD, DOUBT and DULLNESS.
It is interesting to note that our Lord Jesus spoke more about Hell than Heaven within the Gospels. This was and is a clear warning to mankind because He knows the reality of that dreadful place known as Hell. It was created by God for all those who reject His authority, His laws and His way of redemption.
This passage of scripture has always been slightly confusing to me, because it seems to insinuate that unless a person is baptized in water they cannot be saved (as in get to heaven after physical death), but after some scriptural inquiry I have managed to reach, what I believe to be, a tenable conclusion.
1) Torah means Law or Instruction.
2) Chronicles means a factual written account of historical events in the order of their occurrence...
The Importance of Prayer, the Biblical Pattern of Prayer and Types of Prayer.
‘Till I come, give attention to reading (encouragement), to exhortation (preaching), to doctrine (edification).’ 1 Timothy 4:13.
The above three points all refer to the Holy Bible, the living Word of God.
(A study of the key verses) - Key verses: Acts 8:34-38.
His ladder, his life and his lesson.
It is inspired, it is infallible, it is inerrant, it is authoritative, it is complete, and it is sufficient.
The World, The Flesh & The Devil - The Enemies of our Soul
The enemies of our soul. Spirit power vs. soul power.
The Enemy Realm - Ephesians 6:11-12.
This is the only passage in Paul’s writings in which he explicitly speaks of Christians’ struggling
against evil spirit powers.
Modern Science teaches that the universe can be divided into 5 categories: 1) Time, 2) Space, 3) Matter, 4) Power, and 5) Motion.
Looking into the Scriptures surrounding the creation of man.
The two great enemies of the Gospel are Theistic Evolution and Philosophical Theories. Both are of human origin, both are the thoughts of men directed through the doctrines (teachings) of demons who want to confuse to lead away from the authority of God’s Word.
A comparisson between the evolution theory and the Bible.
Key verse. Genesis 1:2 – ‘And the Earth was without form, and void...’
It is within this verse that we see theistic evolutionists stating that the phrase “the earth was without form and void” refers to a ruinous, chaotic heap, formed ages ago!
The Reformers Position vs The Humanist Position.
A look at the origin of the word ‘Dinosaur’, and key Bible verses.
The Church in Four Epochs
The Church Prospectively.
The Church’s Pattern
Receiving into Church Fellowship.
The Church Corrupted.
The Scriptural Answer – ‘Continue.’
Church Worship and Worshippers.
Church Ministry.
1. A Target for the Devil – 1 Thess 2:14-16, 3:4-5.
2. A Centre of Gospel Testimony – 1 Thess 1:8...
Forms of Discipline within the Fellowship.
The Discipline of Avoidance.
The Authority and Work of the Elders.
Its Necessity and Object.
Its Internal Form.
Its Extreme Measure.
Its Aim, Restoration.
Chapter 1. An Orderly Church.
Chapter 2 – A Sound Church.
Chapter 3 – An Active and Practical Church.
Each Church should have a vision that produces:
Spiritual growth in members.
Prayer and fasting on a regular basis...
Looking at the problems and solutions experienced in 1 Corinthians.
1. Their Ordination
2. Their Confirmation
3. Their Qualifications
4. Their Occupation
5. Their Compensation
The authority and work of elders who are to rule over the flock of God.
Key verse: 1 Corinthians 3:9
1) The Habitation of God – Its Purpose.
2) The Temple of God – Its Character...
The Reformation delivered England from:
1. Gross religious ignorance, superstitious practices and spiritual darkness that covered the land...
A study of the meaning and application of 'Koinonia'.
Three Relationships, Three Fellowships and Four Attitudes.
1. In Love
2. In Light
3. In Wisdom
4. In the Spirit
The words of our Lord Jesus:
“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.” John 3:3.
“Do not marvel that I said unto you, you must be born again.” John 3:7.
Yeshua (Jesus) fulfilled every prophecy concerning the Moshiach (Messiah); listed are those which compare him to Moshe...
HERE IS A YOUNG MAN who was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant woman. His birth has been recorded as being unique in that his mother was a virgin – conception being by the Holy Spirit...
Our Relationship, Our Responsibility, Our Reconciliation, Their Resurrection (Spiritual), Their Revival, Their Renewal, Their Restoration.
The purpose of this article is to look at the foundational truths of our faith in regard to Jews and Gentiles as ‘being one’ in calling, being saved and our standing before the God of Israel.
1. The Condemnation of sinful men
2. The Explanation of God’s dealings with men
3. The Propitiation for sin by the death of Christ...
Our Lord Jesus taught that we shall know one another by our fruits. Matthew 7:16-17.
When we take time to look around ourselves, to investigate, to reflect on the variety of everything around us we can only wonder at the creative mind of our God.
How Christ must love and value those who trust in Him and how effectively He demonstrates this when He compares them to precious stones.
There are 3 things we share in our Messiah:
1. Our share in Christ’s Resurrection
2. Our share in Christ’s Reign
3. Our share in Christ’s Return
The 4 strengths of a Christian: Faith (when having doubts), Salvation (past, present and future), Scripture (the sword of the Holy Spirit), and Prayer (gives fellowship with God).
“Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can..."
Key verse: ‘Be filled with the Spirit’ – Ephesians 5:18.
If Messiah is better than the Law then He must be better than the fivefold sacrificial system given by G-d within the Law to Moses. These 5 sacrifices were: 1) The Sin Offering, 2) The Trespass offering, 3) The Peace Offering, 4) The Burnt Offering, and 5) The Meal Offering.
As Messiah or Christ is our ‘all in all’ then He is greater than the Law with its sacrificial system. However, He had to fulfil these and taste death to be able to replace it and conquer it through His shed royal blood. A reading of these verses will show us just how He became our sin, trespass, peace, burnt and meal offering.
The word Torah means ‘Law’ or ‘Instruction’ given by God to Israel within the Tanakh. It contained then the instructions for the sacrificial, ceremonial, judicial, civil and moral parts of the Law as a whole for the nation of Israel to obey.
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award me on that Day – and not only me, but also to all who have longed for His appearing. 2 Tim 4:7-8.
Although very dull in appearance and common-place, especially in towns and cities, the House Sparrow, with its cheeky and pugnacious ways is full of daring and character.
She said to her mistress, “If only my master (Naaman) would see the prophet (Elisha) who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy.” 2 Kings 5:3.
Every successful relationship requires a dual response, but often this does not happen. A good example of this is when a young man sets his affections on a maiden. If she fails to resond in like-manner, then a relationship cannot develop.
Key verse: 1 Corinthians 3:1.
The marks of a baby.
1. First we see our Saviour crucified, 2. Next we see ourselves crucified...
1. One Gospel through one seed – Messiah.
2. For all Nations of the earth. Genesis 12:3....
1. Our Resurrection Belief
2. Our Resurrection Bodies
3. Our Resurrection Bliss
1. Refusing honour
2. Choosing suffering
3. Esteeming reproach
4. Respecting recompense...
1. The Tree of Concealment
2. The Tree of Convenience
3. The Tree of Complacency
4. The Tree of Commitment
5. The Tree of Crucifixion
Matthew Chapter 5:1-12. The 10 Steps and Work of God’s Plan of Salvation.
The choice is yours...
‘God has set before you this day, blessing or cursing, life or death. Therefore choose life, that you may live.’ Deuteronomy 30:19.
Comparing the Old Covenant with the New Covenant. Genesis 4:1-10 / Hebrews 12:22-24.
A short study covering Tenakh (Old Testament), Brit haDasha (New Testament) and the modern day and end time importance.
1. Promises to the Overcomer
2. Lessons from a Parable
3. Overcoming the World
4. Overcoming the Flesh
5. Overcoming the Devil
Hebrews10:14. “For by one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified.”
Grace is God’s fourfold unmerited favour towards us:-
1) We are called
2) We are forgiven
3) We are saved
4) We are justified...
Peter gives us 6 excellent similes’ of being a disciple.
Simile – a symbol, imagery, allusions, allegory
Key verse: 1 Peter 2:25. Compare: Isaiah 53:6-7. Jeremiah 50:6. 5 Points of Grace...
1. The Lord God is the Speaker – Isaiah 1:2.
2. The Message is to the sinner – Isaiah 1:4.
3. He reveals their disease – Isaiah 1:5-6.
Key verse – Psalm 133:1-3. "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments."
Exploring the spiritual significance of blood and some aspects of the Blood of Yeshua.
Exploring what spiritual maturity is, and how one becomes mature, and what are the characteristics of a mature disciple.
Hebrews Chapters 11 & 12. Exploring what these chapters teach us about faith and hope.
A Study on Hebrews 7: 25: Its Context, His Intercession, The Benefits of His Intercession, Those for Whom He Intercedes, and The Efficacy of His Intercession.
The Scriptures teach about Jerusalem being trampled down (or ruled by) the Gentiles until the fullness or times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. Luke 21:20-31. This then is the subject of our study.
This is an overview of what we can see as the last three things that will happen in a chronological order depending on your viewpoint of where the end times rapture and revival happen!
God made several covenants with Abraham and confirmed them with Isaac and Jacob, and God’s covenants will not be abrogated by man’s will, or man’s disobedience.
Key Verses to compare and contrast between The Book of Daniel and The Book of Revelation. Each book shows two separate periods of 1,260 days or 3.5 years giving a total period of 7 years in each book.
MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. Peres, your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians (Daniel 5:25 and 28). The ebb and flow of international politics and the religious versus the secular conflict in Israel should not cause us to lose sight of the eternal truths contained within the Tanakh.
Do not drift away, but pay earnest heed to directions.
Do not waver, but hold fast your confidence...
1. Departure from the Faith.
2. Disobedience to parents.
3. Despisers of good...
Key Thought: Eccles 1:9 ‘What has been will be again, there is nothing new under the sun.’ The lesson from Israel’s History – a Comparing and a Contrasting – Joshua with the Judges.
In Luke 12:54-56 the Lord Jesus laid great emphasis on understanding current events. He is refering to His first visitation to the world as the Son of Man and stresses the inability of the people to recognise who was among them and why.
Key verse: 1 Corinthians 3:22.
1. The Last Witness
2. The Last Enemy
3. The Last Adam
4. The Last Trump
The Rapture is very different to the Second Coming as a number of verses prove. ‘After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.’ 1 Thessalonians 4:17.
2 Questions:
1) Is there any verse dealing with the Tribulation within the Tanakh (O.T.) that mentions The Church being in it?
2) Is there any verse dealing with the Great Tribulation within the Brit Hadassah (N.T.) that mentions The Church being in it for any part or period?
A look at 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2.
Believers in Messiah (the Christ) are promised exemption from God’s wrath and will not have to endure the Tribulation period:
Today is the day of salvation. (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Therefore repent and receive the Lord Jesus or be separated from God for all eternity. (Revelation 3:19-20; 20:15).
Our Lord Yeshua describes it as being:
Unique in History
Unequalled in Severity
Unexcelled in Providence.
Isaiah 5:20. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.
What Will It Be Like in the Millennium?
What Will It Be Like in the Millennium?
Key Passage: Revelation 20:1-8.
The way we live now as disciples of the Lord will be important when we get there! So... are you ready?
Having looked at Being Ready for Glory and Being Ready for Marriage, now thirdly, are You Ready to Rule and Reign?
Key verses: ZECHARIAH 11:15-17.
Some Old Testament references to the antichrist.
Points from 'Let No One Deceive You' and what the Bible says.
This teaching is not about the sequence of Things to Come within prophecy, it is rather an observation of what has been, and is, and so what will come is written of and each believer has his view and opinion on how things will play out in the years ahead – being the end time scenario of the Book of Revelation.
Key verse: Revelation 1:19 gives us 3 Time Frames.
The name Revelation means ‘the disclosing or revealing of knowledge’ but He who gave us the book can now be seen as ‘The Great Unveiling’ as our Lord Yeshua/Jesus lays out (reveals/unveils) what is to come.
The word Apocalypse which is used so often when The Book of Revelation is referred to actually means ‘unveiling’. It is an apt word for it indeed unveils the glory of the Lord Jesus in all His majestic, mighty, magnificent and marvellous power in overseeing the affairs of men and His creation, plan and purposes.
With Personal, Practical, Perennial and Prophetical teachings.
This church is representative of the Apostolic period from 30AD to around 100AD the time of the last Apostle John who wrote the Book Of Revelation probably in 96AD.
This church is representative of the Roman Empires persecution from 100AD to 312AD. We can see this in the number 10 where the Lord warns of 10 days of prison and tribulation.
While there were more than 10 Roman Emperors only 10 are recorded as having persecuted the early Church. This is then seen to be symbolic of the 10 days of tribulation in Revelation chapter 2 verse 10 where the church saints were tried in the crucible of fiery trials, tests and persecution from 96AD through to 305AD.
This church is representative of the Age of Constantine 313-600AD in that it represents any church denomination that is married to the state, as the name Pergamum means ‘thoroughly married.’
This church and age is representative of the Dark Ages which was in the clutches and domain of the now long established Roman Catholic Church. The name Thyatira literally means ‘continual’ or ‘perpetual sacrifice’.
This church depicts for us the Reformation Period from 1517-1648 A.D. The name Sardis means ‘those escaping’. Escaping from what? The answer is easy it was the Roman Catholic Church that held sway as we saw in the Thyatira age of the Dark Ages and its dogma of rules and regulations and false doctrine.
This church is representative of the great missionary movement of history as the Lord Jesus built His Church, the Household of God which the gates of Hell could not prevail against.
This is the 7th and final letter from our Lord and represents the Church of the Apostasy starting from around 1900AD to the present day. It is a church entirely ruled by men as the Holy Spirit is not guiding leaders nor the people as the name Laodicea means, the people ruling or the rules of the people.
The name Laodecia – means the people ruling! God isn’t so there is a head but not a heart acknowledgment, they do not understand God’s righteousness of holiness and obedience.
A study of Revelation chapters 8 to 11.
A study of Revelation chapters 14 to 16.
A study of Revelation chapters 21 & 22.
Biblical truth is determined by Scripture alone, and not how that teaching has been perceived at different times during history.
The following list is given to show a proposed teaching line of historical rapture teaching, but it is not the whole truth.
List of men who taught about the Rapture of the Church well before John Nelson Darby.
Comparing and Contrasting The Rapture and The Revelation
References to the Church and references to Israel.
The central concept within Rabbinic exegesis was ‘Midrash’. The word comes from the verb to ‘seek’ or ‘search’ out through study and repeatedly reading so as to interpret the Holy Scriptures. Most midrash is homiletical in seeking to teach and to bring out meaning.
THE P’ SHAT: (The simple meaning).
The P’shat: (The simple rendering – literally and grammatically)
HAGGAI - Consider Your Ways!
MICAH - means – Who is like Yehovah.
(HEBREWS 11:1-40)
A Midrashic exposition.
Method of Translation.
Formal Equivalence and Dynamic Equivalence.
Thi article sets out the 7 main objections given to show that Y’shua (Jesus) is not the Moshiach under the ‘Torah criteria for the Messiah’ as stated by Rabbinic sources. Are they right? Or are they very wrong? If you are fair minded read on... This study will show that these 7 objections are not founded upon the Holy Scriptures which is the Word of G-d to guide and inform us.
The purpose of this small study is to show the indisputable Jewishness of Jesus. He was born a Jew, lived as a Jew and finally died a Jew. We shall now look at each of these three points in detail.
A schoolteacher was looking round an exhibition of Judaica and came across the text of Isaiah chapter 53. Apart from the identification of the source there was no indication where in the Scriptures Isaiah fits – of when he wrote, or about whom he was writing...
Apologetics is the biblical discipline of giving an answer to an objection. The word apologetic comes from the word apology and yet we need to make no apology on behalf of God for His Word defends itself.
Only the Lord Jesus Christ has said, “I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6.
(Matthew 22:42)
(The Truth Conquers)
Key verse: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32.
Israel is being re-gathered into the Promised Land as foretold within the Holy Scriptures and even within the Koran (Quran) and yet a number of Muslim countries have set themselves against the Lord God Almighty as well as the writings of the Koran.
In a small village stood a Chapel upon whose arch were inscribed the words – ‘We preach Christ crucified’. This was done so that all who entered the Chapel or stood outside might understand the purpose for which the meeting hall had been built.
1. Israel became a state in 1312b.c. Two Millennia before Islam came into being.
2. Arab refugees from Israel began calling themselves ‘Palestinians’ in 1967. Almost two decades after the modern Israeli statehood...
1 Corinthians 7:12-19. 7 Terrible Consequences.
The following is a list of prophecies within the Jewish scriptures that Adonai (the Lord) Yeshua (Jesus) the Moshiach (Messiah) fulfilled.
Key verse: 1 Corinthians 11:20. “This do in remembrance of Me.”
There can be no unity without the truth of the Scriptures to guide us otherwise men can make up their own boundary lines of what is good and right or sadly what is wrong doctrinally due to a weakness or otherwise of not correctly dividing the Word of Truth.
Aliyah means ‘to go up’: initially this meant to go to Jerusalem for the three pilgrim feasts; today it means to return to the land of Israel.
John 8:32 “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”
What is the truth and how are Christians to respond?
Nine Popes who sinned before the Lord.
This questions falls under the category of ‘things that divide’ and so to answer this question we need to examine the Scriptures, the Tanakh (O.T.) and the Brit HaDashah (N.T.) and then let each saint be convinced in his or her own heart as to what to eat or not eat.
The aim of this teaching is Foundational - building our ability to detect and resist deception.
The Lord categorically stated in John 14:6 that He was - The Way (for those who are Lost and need direction from Him. Therefore, Yeshua/Jesus is either a liar, a lunatic or the Lord of all as He said He was), The Truth (for those who want to Learn from Him) and The Life (for those who Long for eternity.
The reason this was written by the Apostle Paul under the guidance of the Spirit of God was that believers could see the difference between the Gospel of Faith against the ‘gospel of works’ which was being wrongly taught and promoted by false teachers.
(aka Ultra Dispensationalism).
Hyper dispensationalism is the doctrine that teaches the early churches lost “four basic truths” starting near the end of Paul’s ministry.
Just as with our Objections and Answers article we shall adopt the same principle of seeing what the Holy Scriptures teach us in a contextual, literal and grammatical way compared to the humanistic and sometimes philosophical teachings of men. The following 3 verses or passages are generally the most disputed and so we shall limit this article to these for the sake of brevity and space.
Latest news reports are that five terrorist cell groups have been operating in many of our churches.
Abscissa Virescit means “Cut me down and I grow again!”
Abscissa – from the Latin verb which means to ‘cut off’ or ‘remove‘.
Virescit – from the Latin verb to turn green.
The above Latin statement is the Young clan family motto which means – ‘Prudence excels Strength’.
This little bit of wisdom from the past has a good Biblical foundation and can be seen as a life application principle acted out in the spiritual, moral and physical realm of our lives.
The Latin words PIA FIDELIS mean LOYAL and FAITHFUL. The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines these two words as:
Loyal – being true, faithful to duty, love or obligation. Faithful in allegiance to your Sovereign, Government or mother-country.
Faithful – being loyal, constant to a person or one’s word. Conscientious, trustworthy, true to fact, accurate and to the original as true believers.
A list of Scriptures to turn to when you are experiencing different emotions or situations.
Man’s way leads to a hopeless end…
God’s way leads to an endless hope.
The Beatitudes or Beautiful Attitudes as someone has said leave us in awe. These teachings from our Lord and Master are unique within all the literature of this world. They show the perfect life and lifestyle of our Messiah and His disciples.
The Lord Jesus Christ has a unique way of taking natural things, giving them a spiritual application. Here He uses for His illustration a vine.
Lord Jesus Christ,
I know I have sinned against you
in my thoughts, words and deeds.
There are so many graceful things I have not done.
I take God the Father to be my God
I take Christ the Son to be my Saviour...
I commit my day to You.
I also trust in You,
for You shall bring it to pass. (Psalm 17:5)
We could all learn a lot from crayons, some are pretty, some are sharp, some are dull, some have weird names and all are different in colour, but they all have to learn to live together in the same box as one!
Ephesians 6:4. Fathers, do not exasperate your children, instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
You may not know me,
but I know everything about you (Ps 139:1)
I know when you sit down and when you rise up (Ps 139:2)...
How about ACHIEVING 101%?
What equals 100% in life?
Here’s a little mathematical formula that might help answer these questions:
Three things in life, that once gone, never come back
1. Time
2. Words
3. Opportunity
Let God’s word show you how to get to heaven. Our Lord Jesus points the way, and He has left direct instructions for us to follow.
Each of us should want to give our all ‘For Him’ because the Lord Jesus gave His all for us. We are told in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, ‘you have been bought at a great price, you are not your own.
An Israeli with a good sense of humour at the United Nations sets the record straight.
An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the United Nations Assembly and made the world community smile.
Nothing new under the sun – most of the firsts are in the Bible!
Seven Hebrew words used in scripture refer to gold.
The World – Its Course and End.
The Christian’s Relation to the World.
The Christian’s Place in the World
Rest and peace in the Lord is key to personal rest and peace.
The renewed and growing interest in the Hebraic and Jewish roots of the Christian faith is one of the greatest works that the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) is producing in the Church as a whole in these last days.
Many false messiahs have presented themselves to the world at various times in history and will continue to do so. How then are we to know the real one? The answer lies within the pages of the Tanakh, so let us search the Scriptures together to know the truth.
Now that we have established the historical background of the Messiah, let us now look at His ancestral lineage so that we can determine for ourselves who He is.
There is a need to realise that God’s laws are unchangeable, one such being, that without the shedding of blood there shall be no remission of sin. This is clearly demonstrated in the Torah, where the Lord instructed Moses (the Prophet of Israel), that the blood of the sacrifice made atonement for the soul. (Leviticus 17:11).
This chapter is so clear, concise and so comprehensive that any fair-minded person, would have to agree that the prophet is speaking about the sufferings of the Messiah of Israel and of the Nations. Sadly though, because it is just so, it has become the ‘forbidden or rejected chapter’ within Judaism and is avoided by most.
We encourage you to look up the following 33 references from the Holy Scriptures, in order that you may really enjoy the full narrative and come to fully understand the Word of G-d as it thrills you with its accuracy. G-d would not have us confused over the matter of who the Messiah is. It is written for us and has been fulfilled. Jesus will return soon to fulfil the Davidic prophecies. Are you ready?
So far we have seen within just several examples of scripture that there is a plurality within the nature of the One true and living G-d. This was seen within plural words that showed this plurality and then we looked at a few passages where the names of G-d are applied to two divine personalities. It is then from the Hebrew Scriptures that we can see that there are three and only three distinct personalities that are considered divine from what is written for us.
It is within the whole of the Brit haDasha (N.T.) that we see the fullness of the Tanakh’s teaching about the Son of God. Yeshua (Jesus) clearly refers to Himself as Ben Elohim (the Son of God) and the New Testament writers who were all Jews bar one (Luke the physician) confirm this. We have then, all four Gospel (the Good News of Salvation) writers confirming that God has a Son.
[1 Corinthians 7:12-19] 7 Terrible Consequences... 1. The Scriptures are false and unreliable! 2. Jesus is not ‘declared to be the Son of God with power.’ 3. No atonement for sin has been made by His death. 4. We have not ‘a living Saviour.’ 5. The House of G-d/Church has no Head and no solid foundation. 6. The believer has no hope beyond the grave and is therefore in this life. 7. There is no divine power for the Christian life.
The following is a list of prophecies within the Jewish scriptures that Adonai (the Lord) Yeshua (Jesus) the Moshiach (Messiah) fulfilled.
Scriptural references for the 1st and 2nd Comings of Messiah.
Yeshua haYehudi (Jesus the Jew). “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?”
Ikveta d’Meshicha means the Heels of the Messiah. The rabbis and sages have written of the era before the coming Moshiah as one of spiritual decline and distress amongst Israel and the Nations. (This fits in perfectly with the writings of the Brit haDashah (the New Testament or Covenant) in the four Gospel accounts where Y’shua the Moshiach predicts what will befall the world in the last days of this age before His return to rescue Israel).
Any person reading the Hebrew Scriptures may begin to puzzle over seemingly contradictory scriptures regarding the Moshiach (Messiah). There certainly seem to be, as the sages of old rightly determined from their reading within the Tanakh, two messianic streams of prophecies appertaining to the Messiah. But all agree that there is only one Moshiach sent by the Holy One to redeem fallen mankind, starting with Israel (HaShem’s chosen people and then the Goyim, the Gentiles).
Key Verse: Yochanan (John) 5:43. “I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive Me not! If another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.” This warning from the lips of our Messiah recorded in the Gospel of John is staggering in its implication and ultimately future fulfilment.
[Leviticus chapter 23:1-44] Key verses: (V1) And the L-rd spake unto Moses, saying, (V2) "Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, concerning the feasts of the L-rd, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are My feasts." The 7 Feasts of the L-rd show us His wonderful plan of salvation towards Israel and the Nations.
Meshugge is a Yiddish word that means a person is a bit weird, crazy, or even possibly a lunatic! Moshiach is a Hebrew word that means the Anointed One or Messiah of G-d sent to save all people from their sins. Therefore, according to the Holy Scriptures this person is the Servant of HaShem, who brings the shalom of G-d to those who put their trust in Him.
These are the words and sayings of our Messiah – Yeshua HaMashiach, Melech Yisrael ve Sar Shalom.
According to traditional Jewish teaching, this is the job description of the Messiah: 1) Have the correct genealogy by being descended from King David. 2) Be anointed King of Israel. 3) Return the Jewish people to Israel. 4) Rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. 5) Bring peace to the world and end all war. 6) Bring knowledge of God to the world.
HERE IS A YOUNG MAN who was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant woman. His birth has been recorded as being unique in that his mother was a virgin – conception being by the Holy Spirit; a new star was seen in the heavens and wise men paid Him homage.
The Law and instruction of Adonai Elohim is this, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement (a covering) for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement (a covering) for the soul.” Leviticus 17:11. Yom Kippur was Israel’s most awesome and solemn holy day in which the people would afflict their souls (Leviticus 23:27)
In the Midrash Rabbah on B’resheet (Genesis), 98:3, it is stated: “The world is to be for 6,000 years. 2,000 years empty without Torah; 2,000 years with Torah; and 2,000 years Messianic times”. And in Sanhedrin 97a & b that on the 3rd millennium following the 2,000 year Messianic era (being the 7th millennium), the resurrection of the dead would occur.
Who is the Prophet like unto Moshe? Only one person in history and to date has met the requirements of Deut 18:18 and because of the warning in verse 19 from Elohim we should pay attention.
The following prophecies and the ones to follow are only some of the over three hundred found in the Tanakh and Brit Hadasha, which appertain to Jesus Christ. Mathematicians have worked out that the odds of one individual fulfilling just 48 of the prophecies found in the Holy Bible are 10 to the power of 15, in other words the figure 10 followed by fifteen zeros.
This article presents an explanation of how to recognise the true Mashiach – the time of His coming, where He would appear and the special work that He would accomplish, according to the Holy Scriptures which are our guide and source of truth. It is the hope of the writer of this article that you will search the Tanakh to confirm what is stated and that you will prayerfully ask the L-rd to reveal His truth to you.
In the following passage (Devarim/Deuteronomy 30:1-7) we see 7 events highlighted in bold, giving the declared history and future of Israel. The Almighty One has given this prophetic word through Moshe, declaring the end from the beginning. Let us now consider each of these 7 points.
Each of the first five books of the Holy Bible has a different emphasis that teach us spiritual truths or life application principles. Before we therefore get into texts and their topics let us see that the Book of Deuteronomy is filled with fitting instructions for those who are about to enter into the promised inheritance. Using Midrashic thought we should immediately see that this applies not only to Israel but also the Church or put better — The Israel of God.
Jeremiah 23:5-6. Midrash Tehillim 21:2 teaches us that G-d names Messiah with His own name, showing us that our Messiah will therefore be G-d in human form. The Hebrew name for this is Immanuel (with us is G-d). This is exactly what Isaiah the prophet teaches us in Isaiah chapter 9 verses 6 and 7. These verses teach that the Son to be given to mankind would be called Wonderful Counsellor, The Mighty G-d, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
TESHUVAH, TEFILLAH, TEHILLIM, TZEDAKAH, TIKKUN and TORAH. “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No-one can come to the Father except through Me.” Yochanan 14:6.
The Vine, the Olive, the Fig and the Fir.
The Besuras HaGeulah (Good News of Redemption) of Moshiach Ben Dovid. Would you like to hear some good news today? HERE IT IS! HaShem wants to give you a gift! DID YOU KNOW... Hashem has promised Moshiach beforehand in the Kitvei Hakodesh?
The Hebrew word Besorat and Gospel both mean ‘good news’. Over the centuries with Bibles (the Tanakh) being written in English a number of words in translation have taken on a different meaning that is not always clear and so to the Jewish mind terminology has to be explained at times.
Money was not on their side. Government and public opinion were against them. Their Jewishness handicapped them at every turn. Yet despite all this they won out – those twelve Jews who started out from Jerusalem to bring countless millions under the wings of the G-d of Israel.
Around the turn of the 1st century there were two main streams of Phariseeism, those that followed the school of the great Hillel and those that followed the school of Shammai. From within the school of Hillel there arose a number of great rabbis, one being Rabbi Gamaliel, who was the grandson of Hillel himself. Rabbi Gamaliel is mentioned in the Talmud, and it says of him, that ‘when he died righteousness perished from the earth with him’.
Throughout the history of the Tanakh, the peoples of Israel have had a prophetic hope of the Messiah who would bring salvation to Israel and the Gentile Nations (Goyeem). In that day, ‘the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea’ (Habakkuk 2:14) and the Messiah, YHWH’s servant, will be King over Israel.
Is it right to share the Gospel of Good News (Salvation) with Jewish people? What about Anti-Semitism committed by Christians through the centuries? Aren’t you trying to change Jews into Gentiles? What is a Messianic Fellowship then? What does Judaism lack? Isn’t it arrogant to impose different religious views on others? How do I know that the New Testament (Brit HaDasha) is true and relevant?
Thi article sets out the 7 main objections given to show that Y’shua (Jesus) is not the Moshiach under the ‘Torah criteria for the Messiah’ as stated by Rabbinic sources. Are they right? Or are they very wrong? If you are fair minded read on... This study will show that these 7 objections are not founded upon the Holy Scriptures which is the Word of G-d to guide and inform us.
Just as with our Objections and Answers article we shall adopt the same principle of seeing what the Holy Scriptures teach us in a contextual, literal and grammatical way compared to the humanistic and sometimes philosophical teachings of men. The following 3 verses or passages are generally the most disputed and so we shall limit this article to these for the sake of brevity and space.
Adonai Yeshua I now accept you as my personal Saviour, I believe you are the Moshiach of Yisrael and I confess my sins before you now. Come into my life and change me, help me to be a better person. Forgive me for going my own way, I now turn in repentance (teshuvah) so that I may receive the gift of eternal life through the shedding of your blood as my Kaporah.
The following two statements are unacceptable to modern day Judaism – 1. The belief in God as a Triune Being. 2. The belief that Messiah (Moshiach or the Christ) is the Son of God. Please note that I state ‘modern’ as the Hebrew Scriptures clearly state the opposite and indeed within ancient Jewish writings we can clearly see and understand that God has a Son and that God has revealed Himself as a Triune Being.
So far we have seen within just several examples of scripture that there is a plurality within the nature of the One true and living G-d. This was seen within plural words that showed this plurality and then we looked at a few passages where the names of G-d are applied to two divine personalities. It is then from the Hebrew Scriptures that we can see that there are three and only three distinct personalities that are considered divine from what is written for us.
It is within the whole of the Brit haDasha (N.T.) that we see the fullness of the Tanakh’s teaching about the Son of God. Yeshua (Jesus) clearly refers to Himself as Ben Elohim (the Son of God) and the New Testament writers who were all Jews bar one (Luke the physician) confirm this. We have then, all four Gospel (the Good News of Salvation) writers confirming that God has a Son.
[1 Corinthians 7:12-19] 7 Terrible Consequences... 1. The Scriptures are false and unreliable! 2. Jesus is not ‘declared to be the Son of God with power.’ 3. No atonement for sin has been made by His death. 4. We have not ‘a living Saviour.’ 5. The House of G-d/Church has no Head and no solid foundation. 6. The believer has no hope beyond the grave and is therefore in this life. 7. There is no divine power for the Christian life.
The following is a list of prophecies within the Jewish scriptures that Adonai (the Lord) Yeshua (Jesus) the Moshiach (Messiah) fulfilled.
Scriptural references for the 1st and 2nd Comings of Messiah.
Yeshua haYehudi (Jesus the Jew). “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?”
Ikveta d’Meshicha means the Heels of the Messiah. The rabbis and sages have written of the era before the coming Moshiah as one of spiritual decline and distress amongst Israel and the Nations. (This fits in perfectly with the writings of the Brit haDashah (the New Testament or Covenant) in the four Gospel accounts where Y’shua the Moshiach predicts what will befall the world in the last days of this age before His return to rescue Israel).
Any person reading the Hebrew Scriptures may begin to puzzle over seemingly contradictory scriptures regarding the Moshiach (Messiah). There certainly seem to be, as the sages of old rightly determined from their reading within the Tanakh, two messianic streams of prophecies appertaining to the Messiah. But all agree that there is only one Moshiach sent by the Holy One to redeem fallen mankind, starting with Israel (HaShem’s chosen people and then the Goyim, the Gentiles).
Key Verse: Yochanan (John) 5:43. “I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive Me not! If another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.” This warning from the lips of our Messiah recorded in the Gospel of John is staggering in its implication and ultimately future fulfilment.
[Leviticus chapter 23:1-44] Key verses: (V1) And the L-rd spake unto Moses, saying, (V2) "Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, concerning the feasts of the L-rd, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are My feasts." The 7 Feasts of the L-rd show us His wonderful plan of salvation towards Israel and the Nations.
Meshugge is a Yiddish word that means a person is a bit weird, crazy, or even possibly a lunatic! Moshiach is a Hebrew word that means the Anointed One or Messiah of G-d sent to save all people from their sins. Therefore, according to the Holy Scriptures this person is the Servant of HaShem, who brings the shalom of G-d to those who put their trust in Him.
These are the words and sayings of our Messiah – Yeshua HaMashiach, Melech Yisrael ve Sar Shalom.
According to traditional Jewish teaching, this is the job description of the Messiah: 1) Have the correct genealogy by being descended from King David. 2) Be anointed King of Israel. 3) Return the Jewish people to Israel. 4) Rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. 5) Bring peace to the world and end all war. 6) Bring knowledge of God to the world.
The Teachings of Mashiach Yeshua. ‘Shema Yisrael’
The Law and instruction of Adonai Elohim is this, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement (a covering) for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement (a covering) for the soul.” Leviticus 17:11. Yom Kippur was Israel’s most awesome and solemn holy day in which the people would afflict their souls (Leviticus 23:27)
In the Midrash Rabbah on B’resheet (Genesis), 98:3, it is stated: “The world is to be for 6,000 years. 2,000 years empty without Torah; 2,000 years with Torah; and 2,000 years Messianic times”. And in Sanhedrin 97a & b that on the 3rd millennium following the 2,000 year Messianic era (being the 7th millennium), the resurrection of the dead would occur.
Who is the Prophet like unto Moshe? Only one person in history and to date has met the requirements of Deut 18:18 and because of the warning in verse 19 from Elohim we should pay attention.
Is Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah? An examination of God's Word, His claims and the Witnesses.
Baruch shel Yah hoo ha Ben shel ha Neri shel Elohim (Blessed of God is the Son of the Light of God). "Lo, I come according to the volume of the book which is written for Me." (Psalm 40:8).
The following two statements are unacceptable to modern day Judaism – 1. The belief in God as a Triune Being. 2. The belief that Messiah (Moshiach or the Christ) is the Son of God. Please note that I state ‘modern’ as the Hebrew Scriptures clearly state the opposite and indeed within ancient Jewish writings we can clearly see and understand that God has a Son and that God has revealed Himself as a Triune Being.
Q1. What promises did God give to Abram? - 1.He would become a great nation (promise of descendants). 2. God would bless him. 3. Make his name great. 4. He would be a blessing to others 5. God would bless those who blessed him and curse those who curse him. 6. In him all the families of the earth would be blessed.
Paul’s letter to the Ephesians was one of five letters written whilst Paul was in prison in Rome from about 60-64AD. In the versions of the Bible that we are familiar with the letter was addressed to the congregation in Ephesus, but there is a textual problem in Ephesians 1:1 where the words “at Ephesus” were absent from early manuscripts.
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