1. The Tree of Concealment – Genesis 3:8.
(We see Adam, the man behind a tree)
2. The Tree of Convenience – Luke 19:4.
(We see Zacchaeus, the man up a tree)
3. The Tree of Complacency – John 1:48.
(We see Nathanael, the man beneath a tree)
4. The Tree of Commitment – Psalm 2:1-3.
(We see the Saints, planted like a tree, see further down)
5. The Tree of Crucifixion – Matthew 27:38-44.
(We see the Lord Jesus, nailed to a tree)
Deuteronomy 21:23/Galatians 3:13.
Key verses: Jeremiah 17:7-8. Psalm 1:1-3.
Date : 30/11/-0001
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