What are you celebrating, if you really don’t believe
that Jesus is the greatest gift, man ever could receive!
A gift cannot be bought or earned – it is offered then received,
by a humbled heart, prepared to grasp who and what you have believed!
Every day that we live we are blessed with free-will,
though each day we reject Him, He pleads for us still!
The truth is still truth, no matter what we believe
and Praise God, it’s His will that His gift we receive!
2 Cor 9 v 15 ‘Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift.’
2 Peter 3 v 9 ‘…not willing that any should perish’
Psalm 34 v 8 ‘Taste and see that the Lord is good!’
Date : 30/11/-0001 Author : Jenny Halligan
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