Pour Lui (For Him)


Each of us should want to give our all ‘For Him’ because the Lord Jesus gave His all for us. We are told in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, ‘you have been bought at a great price, you are not your own.’ The hardest part then of being a believer is to move into being a committed disciple where our life changes for the better. So many miss out on this and have a lack lustre relationship instead of a shining one before their Lord- it is meant to be ‘from glory unto glory.’ 2 Corinthians 3:18. We are to shine as stars and be lights in this world. It is written!


Discipleship training takes time, the first requisite in the life of a Christian is to have a daily prayer life and to read the Holy Bible often. This should incorporate meditative study. By this I mean we should read a passage and then reflect on it by listening to the inner voice of God as He speaks to us through our thought pattern. Commentaries are helpful or a daily reading plan with commentary to assist personal growth. Just make sure the writer is ‘kosher’ with his teaching based on the Scriptures, not personal thoughts but rather good exposition of the verses to give the spiritual life application principles. These are what make saints into disciples, those who will stay the course and ‘run the race as Paul stated he did.’ – 2 Timothy 4:7.

The next area of development or growth is being in fellowship with others who are ‘born again’ see John 3:3 and verse 7 and then by serving the Lord in any number of areas of ministry. It is in corporate meetings where we can all worship Him and be blessed in this as we speak and sing to one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs – Ephesians 5:19. The Lord will always inhabit the praises of His people as we meet together as ‘unto Him shall the gathering of the people be.’ Genesis 49:10. There is strength in numbers and unity although achieving unity seems to be where the enemy attacks through personalities and disturbances seem to come along every so often.
(The Church mending is never ending and the making can be heart breaking …)

Next we now look to spreading the Word. That is what He has asked us to do and as Jesus is the Lord of our lives we should be found obedient in this. He has asked us to be His ambassadors and has giving us ‘the ministry of reconciliation.’ – 2 Corinthians 5:18.
There are a lot of hurting people out there, others are unloved, others are looking for satisfaction and acceptance and these things can only ever be truly found in God.
Truly, ‘the god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers’ 2 Corinthians 4:4 and so ‘the fields are truly white unto harvest.’ John 4:35, Luke 10:2.

We are to ask the Lord of the harvest (Jesus) to send out more labourers (disciples) but as always ‘the labourers are few and there’s lots to do’ as the saying goes.

Also a spiritual song by Chris Bowater states this –

Here I am, wholly available, as for me I shall serve the Lord.
The fields are white unto harvest, but oh the labourers are so few,
So Lord I give myself unto the reaping to gather precious souls unto You.
As salt are we ready to savour, in darkness are we ready to be light,
God’s seeking out a very special people to manifest His truth and His Light.

Are we willing and available to be obedient? For it is truly Pour Lui – ‘For Him’.

‘He must increase but I must decrease’ – John 3:30.

God’s Word states – “Here I am, send me” Isaiah 6:8 and “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord” Joshua 24:15. Amen – So be it.

Date : 30/11/-0001    

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