Disputed Words and the Genesis Answers

Key verse. Genesis 1:2 – ‘And the Earth was without form, and void ……’

It is within this verse that we see theistic evolutionists stating that the phrase “the earth was without form and void” refers to a ruinous, chaotic heap, formed ages ago! This has caused many a saint to give into millions and even now billions of years known as the gap theory. This gave gaps of millions of years between the days of creation and even long days which is nonsense.

The reading is in the grammatical and literal form and in order with the words ‘And the evening and the morning were the first day’. This is the sequence of words given over the six literal days being 24 hours each of God’s creation.
We therefore stand on the bedrock of Holy Scripture for, God said what He meant and meant what He said. End of debate and discussion! God is not a man that He may lie nor twist words as men do! (see Numbers 23:19).

Through false teaching we are meant to believe that the account is figurative and does not have a literal meaning as it reads but that God used long ages for everything to evolve after He created them in the first place.

Of course the evolutionist does not even want to believe that God had anything to do with creating the Heaven and the Earth in the first place. Why? Because you then have to admit that man through Adam was separated from God by his sin! You then read of God’s judgment and then you have to repent and be ‘born again’ as a believer to enjoy eternity with God as your Creator and Redeemer. If you see yourself as your own god or just a result of evolutionary design you don’t have to acknowledge that God has the right to make the rules and we have no right to break them!

The basis for this theistic evolutionary view rests on two Hebrew words, ‘Tohu’ and ‘Bohu’, these being the words scholars have translated as “without form” and “void“.
The two Hebrew words also have the meaning of – waste, wilderness, or vain. However, the theory of chaos does not have a Scriptural basis, and is not a new concept as we shall see.

In 8 B.C. within Greek mythology, the writer Hesiod indicated that the origin of the world began in chaos. Then Ovid taught the Earth was an undeveloped mass, where all matter was gathered or congested into a shapeless heap.

This concept was again taught in 13 B.C. by Jewish Kabbalistic mystic teachers. It was taught that God’s previous attempts at creation had failed, leaving a chaotic, ruinous waste! But our God does not make mistakes like men in thought or indeed in deed or action!
However, as we look at the original Hebrew found in the Scriptural account of creation, we see an indication of a very different meaning.
Looking at the broad range of interpretations for ‘tohu’, we read of definitions or meanings, such as “an empty place”, “desolate” or “nothing”.
Therefore, the word ‘bohu’ translated as “void” means just that: to be void, an emptiness.
Genesis 1:1 – ‘In the beginning, God created the heaven and earth.’
Genesis 1:2. – ‘And the earth was without form and void.’

God then states several times over – ‘that it was good’ in the verses of Genesis chapter 1 showing His creation as one of order and design.
A ruinous mess, chaotic or desolate, or an empty space is not good!
To conclude then this is the stark choice set before us when we read the Genesis creation account! God stated His work at the end of each day ‘was good’ and on the sixth day when man was created we read God said ‘it was very good’. Genesis 1:31.

What a chaotic mess we have made of it ever since, without God in charge all would be lost, empty, void and meaningless. Amen.

Date : 30/11/-0001    

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