The Law (Torah) of the Lord

1) Torah means Law or Instruction.

2) Chronicles means a factual written account of historical events in the order of their occurrence.

The Foundations of the Book of books.

a) Written in the very beginning by Yehovah’s express command – Exodus 24:4, 8.

b) Given unto the Priests and Levites – Deut 17:18.

c) Entrusted to Joshua as the Hebrews entered the Promised Land – Joshua 1:8.

d) Used by King David in his commission to Solomon his son – 1 Kings 2:3-4.

e) The basis of teaching in Jehoshaphat’s reign – 2 Chron 17:9.

The Book of books – Found.

a) Found by Hilkiah the priest and given unto Josiah the King – 2 Chron 34:14.

b) Covered with dust in the House of God – 2 Chron 34:15.

c) Read by Shaphan to the King – 2 Chron 34:18.

d) Then Expounded by the King to the people – 2 Chron 34:30.

The Book of books – Followed.

a) The Condition of their heart – 2 Chron 34:27.

b) The Cleansing of their lives – 2 Chron 34:33.

c) The Ceremonial observances – 2 Chron 35:6.

Under the New Covenant:-

Baptism and the Lord’s
Supper & Communion.
Holiness of life.

Date : 30/11/-0001    

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