The Tribulation Period

2 Questions:

  1. Is there any verse dealing with the Tribulation within the Tanakh (O.T.) that mentions The Church being in it?
  2. Is there any verse dealing with the Great Tribulation within the Brit Hadassah (N.T.) that mentions The Church being in it for any part or period?

We can therefore reason and deduce that The Church has no purpose for being in the Great Tribulation. We are not appointed unto God’s wrath nor the Anti-Christ’s rule!

There are 2 reasons for this period:

  1. A preparation and then purging of Israel.
  2. A judgement upon unbelieving Nations.

The apostasy and falling away within the Church comes before the tribulation as the Bride makes herself ready. Christ is not coming for a battered bride but one that has made herself ready and has overcomers through their faith in Messiah.

Date : 30/11/-0001    

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