Repentance – The Missing Ingredient

“Quick-fix” Christianity appeals to flesh of men!
An emotional decision may give “security” but then
True colours are revealed with the passing of time
If a soul’s ‘born-again’ and ‘grafted into the vine’?
Surely ‘mustard-seed’ faith that’s been planted in the heart,
Needs nurturing for healthy roots, before the green shoots start!
Good fruit comes from good seed, as ‘strong faith comes by hearing’,
And ‘hearing by the Word of God’ – why so many disappearing?
There’s a famine for the Word of God, true saints are under trial,
The drought is now extensive, disagreement is denial!
The Lord is ‘slow to wrath’, wanting none should perish,
Those arms outstretched upon the Cross, in resurrection life now cherish
Those who have been saved and would be saved in every generation
Across the globe from every tribe and every tongue and nation!
Many are playing “religion” and so it will be at the end,
Looking the part, but stony of heart,
Pride and rebellion, refusing to bend,
This is the time for ‘weeding of tares’,
If not bearing fruit, you may be caught unawares!

Date : 30/11/-0001    Author : Jenny

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