You are sad | John 14 |
You have sinned | Psalm 51 |
You are facing danger | Psalm 91 |
People have failed you | Psalm 27 |
It feels as though God is far from you | Psalm 139 |
Your faith needs stimulation | Hebrews 11 |
You are alone and scared | Psalm 23 |
You are worried | Matthew 8:19–34 |
You are hurt and critical | 1 Corinthians 13 |
You wonder about Christianity | 2 Corinthians 5:15-18 |
You feel like an outcast | Romans 8:31-39 |
You are seeking peace | Matthew 11:25-30 |
It feels as if the world is bigger than God | Psalm 90 |
You need Christ like insurance | Romans 8:1-30 |
You are leaving home for a trip | Psalm 121 |
You are praying for yourself | Psalm 87 |
You require courage for a task | Joshua 1 |
Inflation’s and investments are hogging your thoughts | Mark 10:17-31 |
You are depressive | Psalm 27 |
Your bank account is empty | Psalm 37 |
You lose faith in mankind | Corinthians 13 |
It looks like people are unfriendly | John 15 |
You are losing hope | Psalm 126 |
You feel the world is small compared to you | Psalm 19 |
You want to carry fruit | John 15 |
Paul’s secret for happiness | Colossians 3:12-17 |
With big opportunity/discovery | Isaiah 55 |
To get along with other people | Romans 12 |
For dealing with fear | Psalm 3:47 |
For security | Psalm 121:3 |
For assurance | Mark 8:35 |
For reassurance | Psalm 145:18 |
Date : 30/11/-0001
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