(A Midrashic exposition)
The following four major rules of Midrash are employed once again in the exegetical interpretation of the Holy Scriptures.
P’shat – the simple rendering (literal, grammatical, contextual and historical meaning).
Drash – to search out (to compare and to contrast the Holy Scriptures).
Remez – a hint of something (Typology, symbolism).
Sod – number meaning or something concealed (a secret).
Allegorica – classic allegory (one thing standing for or suggesting similarity).
Section 1 – The Antidiluvian section. 11:3-7. (The few were doing what none of the rest of the world was doing)
Section 2 – The Patriarchal section. 11:8-32.
(The few were looking for something in which others were not interested)
Section 3 – The Mosaic section. 11:23-29
(The few were choosing what no one else was choosing)
Section 4 – The Promised Land section. 11:30-39
(The few were enduring what none of the rest of the world would endure)
Section 5 – The Present Day section. 11:40
(The few are running in a race in which the rest of the world is not competing!)
The few of course are the – REMNANT!
Five ways (5 is the number denoting grace) showing faith follows the grace of God. (see Eph 2:8)
Bible = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
ABEL – Faith that Justifies – verse 4. Name means ‘breath or vapor.’
ENOCH – Faith that Sanctifies – verse 5. ‘dedicated or initiated.’
NOAH – Faith that Testifies – verse 7. ‘rest.’
ABRAHAM – Faith of Enterprise – verse 8. ‘father of a multitude.’
SARAH – Faith that Multiplies – verse 11. ‘princess.’
ISAAC – Faith that looks Onward – verse 20. ‘laughter.’
JACOB – Faith that looks Upward verse 21. ‘supplanter, following after.’
JOSEPH – Faith that looks Homeward – verse 22. ‘may Jehovah increase.’
MOSES’ PARENTS – Faith of a Mother – verse 23.
MOSES’ PEOPLE – Faith of a Multitude – verse 29.
RAHAB – Faith that Receives – verse 31. ‘broad.’
OTHERS (the remnant) – Faith that Achieved – verses 33 to 34.
MOSES – Faith of a Man- verse 34. ‘drawn out.’
THE MARTYRS – Faith that Endures and a Faith that Assures – verse 35.
As we can see Hebrew Chapter 11 is God’s ‘Hall of Fame’. There are many lessons from the examples of these Heroes of the Faith for us to follow. These are our Life Application Principles – the Holy Bible is a read it and do it book – We are to walk the Walk of Faith not just talk the talk! Faith means – Forsaking All I Trust Him.
Date : 30/11/-0001
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