Biblical Apologetics

Introduction: Apologetics is the biblical discipline of giving an answer to an objection. The word apologetic comes from the word apology and yet we need to make no apology on behalf of God for His Word defends itself.

Key Verses: 1 Peter 3:15. Jeremiah 1:12. Isaiah 55:11. Hebrews 4:12.

Proposition: In being able to always give a reason for the hope that lies within us (1 Peter 3:15), we shall see that most people’s objections centre around our Lord Yeshua (Jesus) and His claims. This is no coincidence considering that He is the central figure of the Holy Bible and all the scriptures point to Him. We shall therefore start with our Messiah and His claims.

Body of Teaching:

  Mutual Title or Acts.  
Of Yahweh.   Of Yeshua.
Isaiah 40:28 Creator John 1:3
Isaiah 43:11 and 45:22 Saviour John 4:42
Exodus 3:14 I AM John 8:58
Isaiah 41:4 and 44:6 First and Last Revelation 1:17 and 2:8
Hosea 13:14 Redeemer Revelation 5:9
Joel 3:12 Judge John 5:27
Psalm 23:1 Shepherd John 10:11
Psalm 18:2 Rock 1 Corinthians 10:4
Isaiah 60:19-20 Light John 8:12
Isaiah 62:5 Bridegroom Revelation 21:2
Jeremiah 31:34 Forgiver of sins Mark 2:7 and 10
Isaiah 45:23 Confessed as Lord Philippians 2:11
Psalm 148:5 Creator of Angels Colossians 1:16
Psalm 148:2 Worshipped by Angels Hebrews 1:6
Isaiah 42:8 Glory of God John 17:1 and 5
1 Samuel 2:6 Raise the dead John 5:21

Son of God.

We can concede that the term ‘sons of God’ is used of men in Hosea 1:10 and of the Angels in Genesis 6:2 and Job 1:6. But within the New Testament the ‘Son of God’ is in the singular and is used by our Lord in a unique way. In every instance the term shows and implies to the reader that He is the only ‘one’ Son of God, the only begotten of the Father, co-equal, co-existent and co-eternal with the Father.

Let us note who within the Scriptures gives Him this title:

God the Father Matthew 3:17
John the Baptist & Nathanael John 1:34, 49
Peter the Apostle Matthew 16:16
The Devil Matthew 4:6
The Demons Mark 3:11
The Centurion at the Cross Mark 16:39
Paul the Apostle Acts 13:33
Jesus himself Mark 14:61-62

Finally, if we read through the New Testament we would count the Lord Jesus referring to God as ‘Father’ or ‘the Father’ one hundred and four (104) times.

Son of Man.

Here we have the most favourite title used by our Lord of Himself. He used it because it speaks of His humanity in being one of mankind and His deity as Immanuel (with us is God).

In using this title the Lord Jesus is drawing on Daniel 7:13-14 where Daniel has a vision of Heaven and the Son of Man before the throne of God. We may see this in Mark 14:61-64 where our Lord refers to the prophet Daniel and also uses Psalm 110:1 of Himself.

After seeing how the Lord Jesus uses this unique title in three distinctive ways we can now look at whether He is Lord, a liar or worse still a lunatic who deluded Himself and all those who have believed in Him since – as Saviour and Redeemer of the world.

Son of Man:-

Concerning His earthly ministry:

Matthew 8:20
Matthew 9:6
Matthew 11:19
Matthew 16:13
Luke 19:10
Luke 22:48

When foretelling His passion:

Matthew 12:40
Matthew 17:9 and 22
Matthew 20:18

With regard to His coming again:

Matthew 13:41
Matthew 24:27 and 30
Matthew 25:31
Luke 18:8
Luke 21:36

As a title used within the New Testament writings no one else uses this title except our Lord of himself. However, his enemies repeated his words in John 12:34 and clearly understood its use as a Messianic title.

There is one other glorious use of this term and title when Stephen about to be martyred ecstatically exclaims it before his fellow Jews

""Behold, I see the heavens opened and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God." " Acts 7:56.

It is very clear that our Lord saw Himself both as Messiah and Lord. That He knew He was the only begotten of the Father and indeed in this unique intimacy of sonship used an Aramaic word ‘Abba’ to show the special relationship He enjoyed in being ‘one’ with the Father.

We therefore can have every confidence when speaking with others in knowing that we have the truth and in knowing the truth we have been set free. It is the Holy Scriptures that show us that Jesus is exactly who He said he was!

Let us now look at a question before all mankind since the Lord Jesus asked it, "Who do men say that I am?" Matthew 16:13.

It is the Holy Scriptures again that attest to who Yeshua/Jesus is. Probably the strongest internal evidence that we can look at and use is the actual fulfilment of prophecies written of hundreds of years earlier and mainly out of the control of any individual fulfilling them!

Genesis 3:15 Born of the seed of woman. Fulfilment – Matthew 1:20 and Galatians 4:4.
Isaiah 7:14 Born of a virgin. Matthew 1:18,24-25. Luke 1:26-35.
Genesis 22:18 Seed of Abraham. Matthew 1:1 and Galatians 3:16.
Genesis 21:12 Son of Isaac. Matthew 1:2 and Luke 3:23, 34.
Numbers 24:17 Son of Jacob Luke 3:23, 33-34 and Matthew 1:2.
Psalm 2:7 Son of God. Matthew 3:17.
Genesis 49:10 Tribe of Judah. Luke 3:23, 33 and Matthew 1:2.
Isaiah 11:1, 10 Family of Jesse. Luke 3:23, 32 and Matthew 1:6.
Jeremiah 23:5 House of David. Luke 3:3,31 and Revelation 22:16
Micah 5:2 Place of Birth Matthew 2:1, 4-8. Luke 2:4-7.
Isaiah 9:6-7 Messiah’s pre-existence. John 1:1-2, 8:58. Col 1:17.
Psalm 110:1 To be called Lord. Matthew 22:43-45.
Isaiah 7:14 To be known as Immanuel. Matthew 1:23 and Luke 7:16.
Deut 18:18 To be the Prophet. Matthew 21:11 and John 4:19.
Psalm 110:4 To be the High Priest. Hebrews 5:5-6.
Isaiah 33:22 To be the Judge. John 5:30 and 2 Timothy 4:1.
Psalm 2:6 To be the King of Israel. Matthew 27:37 & John 18:33-38.

Here are 17 special prophecies regarding who the Messiah is, His place of birth, titles and duties.

There are some 333 prophecies in all regarding the Messiah of Israel and the Nations.

On the day the Lord Jesus allowed men to murder Him, He fulfilled 33 of these prophecies within 24 hours.


Next we shall look at how the Messiah fulfils the Plan of God hidden within His agricultural calendar given to Israel, which shows His plan and purposes for His people —Jew and Gentile that put their trust in Him.

Fulfilment of the Leviticus Feasts – chapter 23.

Feast. Fulfilment in Christ (Anointed One)
Spring Feasts:  
Passover (March/April) Death of Messiah – 1 Corinthians 5:7.
Unleavened Bread Holy Walk -1 Corinthians 5:8.
First Fruits Resurrection of our Messiah – 1 Corinthians 15:23.
Pentecost (June) Outpouring of the Holy Spirit – Acts 1:5; 2:4.
Autumn Feasts:  
Trumpets (Sept/Oct) Israel’s Regathering – Mathew 24:31.
Atonement Israel’s Cleansing by Messiah’s Return – Romans 11 :26.
Tabernacles Israel’s Rest and Reunion with Messiah – Zech 14:16-18.

We should note that the first four Feasts have been fulfilled and show Soteriological events.
The last three Feasts are Eschatological events for the final seven years of the Tribulation Period. Israel has started to be re-gathered to the Land, her Language renewed and next she will be restored to her Lord. He will re-gather all Israel at the end of the tribulation period to serve Him in Eretz Yisrael and the capital of the world – Yerushalayim. Jerusalem for 1,000 years is to be the political, religious and cultural centre of this planet before it is destroyed by fire and the Great White Throne Judgement of Jesus the Messiah as foretold within the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Holy Bible.

In other studies we shall see how the Bible defends itself as the inspired, inerrant and infallible Word of God and as the all sufficient rule for our Faith and lives.

Date : 30/11/-0001    

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