The Great Commission

What’s the point of the church’s existence
If we aren’t winning others to Christ?
It’s not a social club at week-ends
Based on God’s redemptive sacrifice!
The persecuted churches are fulfilling God’s will
Many are ready to die for His name
But so few convinced of their need in the West
Some replacing, many quenching the Holy Spirit’s flame!
Which at one time took only 12 ordinary men
To turn the ‘known’ world upside down
Will to-day’s remnant ever see that again?
How many Christians pray for lost souls in their town?!
Instead of community fund-raising days
The ‘Bride’ needs to repent, pray, tithe & praise!
We need true Pentecost revival that most of us know nothing of
Which is God’s merciful response to prayer, from His great heart of love
We need to be quietly waiting, to hear what the Spirit says
Instead of continually asking Him to bless our worldly ways!
People might visit church on a gimmick
But it’s doubtful if they’ll ‘come to the Lord’
There’s no compromise in the true gospel of Christ
Does user-friendly ‘preach’ the full truth of God’s Word?

Date : 01/01/2011    Author : Jenny

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