Applying the Scriptures: A Midrash on Psalm 16

THE P’ SHAT: (The simple meaning)


1. Pleasant People – verse 3. The saints on the earth, the excellent ones.
2. Pleasant Portion – verse 5. The Lord is our portion and our lot.
3. Pleasant Places – verse 6. Pleasant places and a good inheritance.
4. Pleasant Position – verse 8. The Lord at our right hand and for evermore verse 11.
5. Pleasant Path – verse 11. The Path of Life.
6. Pleasant Prospect – verse 11. Pleasures for evermore.

THE REMEZ: (A hint – to illustrate and illuminate)


1. The Practice of the Godly Man verses 1-4.  

a. Living in the Lord’s Presence (1-2).
b. Living for the Lord’s People (3).
c. Living by the Lord’s Precepts (4).

2. The Portion of the Godly Man verses S-6.  

a. In the Lord (5).
b. In the Land (6).

3. The Prospects of the Godly Man verses 7-11.  

a. Guided by God (7).
b. Guarded by God (8).
c. Gladdened by God (9).


d. The Truth of Resurrection (10)
e. The Truth of the Rapture (11)


THE DRASH: (To search out – to contrast and compare the Scriptures)


Verse I with Psalm 121:8.
Verse 2 with Job 35:7.
Verse 3 with Psalm 119:63.
Verse 4 with Exodus 23:13 and Joshua 23: 7.
Verse 5-6 with Psalm 23:5-6.
Verses 7 with James 1:.5.
Verse 8 with Acts 2:25-28.
Verses 9-10 with Acts 2:31-32 and Hebrews 13:20.
Verse 11 with Matthew 7:14 and John 14:6.

THE SOD: (A secret or hidden thing)


l. Secret of a Life of Trust – verse l. I trust in Him.
2. Secret of a Surrendered Life – verse 2. I belong to Him.
3. Secret of a Separated Life – verses 3-4. I side with Him.
4. Secret of a Happy Life – verses 5-6. I am satisfied with Him.
5. Secret of an Instructed Life -verse 7. I listen to Him.
6. Secret of a Steadfast Life – verse 8. I am engaged with Him.
7. Secret of a New Life – verses 9-11. I will live with Him.

Date : 30/11/-0001    

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