Another New Year

Another New Year, might this be the special one?
Could we possibly see the return of God’s Son?
It’s not for us to speculate, does it matter what the date?
In God’s calendar it’s trivial, but for us it’s getting late!
Now more than 2 millenia, since the Lord became a man,
And completed by His death, God’s salvation master-plan!
He rose to open Heaven’s door, to all of humankind,
To every ‘whosoever’ – ‘wretched, naked, poor, and blind’!
His return for us is imminent, He is showing us the signs,
We read in Matthew 24, what to expect in ‘latter times’!
The elements are groaning, just as a woman giving birth,
Jesus said it would be so, before He re-appeared to earth!
He’ll return with power and glory, He will claim His spotless ‘Bride’,
In the ‘twinkling of an eye’, we’ll be at the Father’s side!
He only asks us to keep watching, to keep on the ‘narrow way’,
By God’s grace I know I’m ready, should He call for me today!
Please make the Lord No.1 in your heart,
Live each day as if it’s your last!
God’s Word will stand forever, when this scene of time’s long past!

Date : 30/11/-0001    

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