A People of His Own

Every successful relationship requires a dual response, but often this does not happen. A good example of this is when a young man sets his affections on a maiden. If she fails to resond in like-manner, then a relationship cannot develop.

The theme of unrequited love is given a clear portrayal in the Bible where God stretched out His arms to a people He wanted to make His own, but God’s rejection for a season was shown through their disobedience. Things have not changed for even now He is reaching out and still there are those who reject Him.

Although the earth and everyone on it belong to God, it is true to say that He doesn’t belong to everyone. It is one thing to be owned by the Almighty, but it’s something else to own Him. If only people could see the dreadful consequences of rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ. If only they could experience the abundant joy that comes through accepting Him. O how it must grieve the heart of God when people fail to respond to His claim and call upon their lives. But equally how it must delight Him when a sinner repents and receives Jesus as Saviour and Lord.

The Lord is calling out a people for Himself. They are His peculiar possession. From every ethnic type under the sun, their personalities differ with their faces, as does their social standing and abilities. The Lord doesn’t love one more than another; all are equally precious to Him. He knows each one individually, their weaknesses and strengths. He also knows about their trials and burdens, never allowing them to carry more than they can bear. They are a people being prepared for glory, being moulded into the image of Christ. A body of redeemed ones, who when made complete will reign eternally with the King of Kings.

Date : 30/11/-0001    Author : Phillip D. Tollett

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