3 Everlasting Promises

1) Everlasting Love – Jeremiah 31:3. To the Prophet.

‘The Lord hath appeared of old unto me,
saying,’ “Yea I have loved thee with an
everlasting love, therefore with loving
kindness have I drawn thee.”

2) Everlasting Strength – Isaiah 26:4. To the People.

‘Trust ye in the Lord forever for in
Adonai Yehovah is everlasting strength.’

3) Everlasting Life – John 6:47. To the Penitent.

“Verily, verily, I say unto you. He that
believeth on Me have everlasting life.”
 The Words of our Lord Jesus.
From the Prophet, Priest and King unto all.

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Date : 30/11/-0001    

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