Facts and figures about the Holy Bible

  • The Bible contains:-

    3,566,480 letters.
    773,742 words.
    31,173 verses.
    1,189 chapters.
    66 books.

  • There are 929 chapters in the Old Testament and 260 in the New Testament
    totalling – 1,189.
  • There are 39 books in the Old Testament. If we multiply the first digit
    by the other we will have 27 – the number of books in the New Testament.
  • The shortest verse in the New Testament is John 11:35 – ‘Jesus
  • The middle verse of the Bible is Psalm 103:2.
  • The middle book of the Bible is Micah.
  • The word ‘reverend’ appears only once in the Bible and it applies
    to God and God alone!
  • It has been said that there have been around 10,000 decrees by Kings and
    rulers to destroy the Bible, but it still lives – while they are all
    in the grave!!
  • The Bible contains some 7,487 promises from God to man. The greatest being
    the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. John 3:16.
  • There are 27 words in John 3:16 the middle one being the word – Son.
  • ‘Thus saith the Lord’ and ‘God said’ occurs more
    than 2,500 times throughout the entire Bible.
    This occurs more than 500 times in the first 5 books.
  • The name ‘Jesus Christ’ appears in the first and last verses
    of the New Testament.
  • The Old Testament ends with a curse and the New Testament with a blessing.
  • 2 Timothy 1:5 is the only place in the Bible where the word grandmother
  • Ezra 7:21 contains all the letters of the alphabet except – ‘J’.
    1 Chronicles 12:40 contains all the letters of the alphabet except – ‘Q’.
  • The Book of Revelation has 404 verses with 550 references made to the Old
  • There are over three hundred sayings from the Bible used in every day life
    today. eg…..

    ‘The powers that be’ – Romans 13:1.
    ‘as clear as crystal’ – Revelation 22:1.
    ‘the apple of his eye’ – Deuteronomy 32:10.
    ‘a word in season’ – Proverbs 25:11.
    ‘the salt of the earth’ – Matthew 5:13.

Date : 30/11/-0001    

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