This is a magnificent Psalm which shows the majesty and might of our God and King. He reigns and rules over His creation whether the nations wish to accept this or not. The day will come though when every knee will bow unto Him. There is no indication of who the writer is, although some scholars see some characteristics of David by comparing some of his psalms, but personally I think it is similar to the Book of Hebrews where the writer wants to give God the glory and the Lord is therefore the only one mentioned in the opening verses.
First of all we can see four thoughts that the psalmist writes of as he rejoices before God –
Secondly, we can now divide this Psalm into four sections of teaching –
1. The Lord’s Praise – verses 1 to 3.
2. The Lord’s Power – verses 4 to 9.
3. The Lord’s Providence – verses 10 to 17.
4. The Lord’s People – verses 18 to 22.
Again and again God has revealed Himself to mankind over the ages or History and through His creative acts in all Creation and how He sustains what He has spoken into being as verse 6 states. His Word the Holy Scriptures do testify of His power and glory as men have recorded what they were told or saw. They are there to show His way of Salvation, we cannot save ourselves or live forever without Him. It is then through and only through the Lord Jesus Christ that any person can be saved. Religious rites and rituals, useless relics will not do it, only a relationship with the Living God can save one’s soul. The heavens therefore declare His glory, from everlasting He is God and when men realise this they then Worship Him for who He is – The Lord God Almighty. Amen.
Date : 30/11/-0001
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