Psalm 29



This Psalm speaks of God’s pre-eminence, power, and people. In using Midrashic principles we will be able to compare and contrast to illuminate and illustrate God’s plan and purposes that searching the Scriptures brings forth.


Firstly, we can divide the eleven verses into four parts as follows –

1. Verses 1-2 are a call for praise unto the Lord.
2. Verses 3-9 records the Voice of the Lord over the waters (cf. Revelation 17:15). Then over the land – Lebanon and the wilderness of Kadesh.
3. Verse 10 shows us the Flood in the Days of Noah.
4. Verse 11 speaks of God’s power and peace towards His people.

Body of Teaching:

A) We can see soteriological (salvation events) in how the Lord speaks to –

1. The Natural Man in verse 3. His voice is over the waters (nations).
2. The Spiritual Man in verses 4, 9, 11. His people know His voice.
3. The Carnal Man in verses 7-8. His voice divides and shakes.

Verses 3-4 give a picture of how God’s Word is powerful, living and active, it does not return empty but speaks to people. Cf. Hebrew 4:12 and Isaiah 55:11.

B) Secondly, we can see the eschatological (end time events) in how God’s voice –

1. Breaks the mighty cedars of Lebanon – verse 5. The might of men will not save them, neither will their gold or high towers.
cf. Isaiah 2:10-21. Zephaniah 1:14-18. Revelation 6:15-17.
2. Divides the flames of fire, holy and hellish, saved and unsaved – verse 7.
cf. Isaiah 5:20-24. Matthew 25:31-33,46.
3. Shakes the wilderness – verse 8.
cf. Isaiah 55:11-12.
The Hebrew word Kadesh means to consecrate, to make holy as in Kadosh, the root word.

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Date : 30/11/-0001    

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