This is another Psalm where David is seeking his God and ours in prayer. He is asking once again for deliverance from his enemies. There are then a number of intercessory prayers from David where he cries out to the Lord because he is being pursued by one enemy or another who are jealous or envy and some who even hated him. Saul of course sought his life and so there is nothing new under the sun (Eccles 1:9) as believers today around the world face the same things. The suffering Church need our prayers and our pounds (sterling) to fight the good fight of faith.
The spiritual life application principle and lesson for us is to hand over our enemies into the hands of God who will deal with them, either in this world or sadly forever if they do not come to know the Living God.
This Psalm contains a request for deliverance (verses 1-3), then for divine retribution (verses 4-5) before shifting to an unshakable tone of thanksgiving to God (verses 6-9).
Body of Teaching: We can divide this small Psalm into two main parts as follows –
a) David’s praise and prayer unto God the Rock – verses 1-2.
b) David’s petition for protection – verse 3.
c) David’s plea for punishment on the wicked – verses 4-5.
a) David’s supplications have been heard – verse 6.
b) David’s song because he has been helped – verse 7.
c) David’s intercession for others that they might know –
The Strength of God – verse 8. ‘strengthen them’
The Salvation of God – verse 9a. ‘save them’
The Satisfaction of God – verse 9b. ‘feed them’
The Saviour of God – verse 9c. ‘lift them up for ever’
Date : 30/11/-0001
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