Psalm 15


Just as in Psalm 14 we saw the ‘folly’ of men so then in Psalm 15 we shall see the ‘wisdom’ of men. Those that put their trust and hope in the Living God the Creator of all.

In Biblical terms the ‘foolish’ are not necessarily stupid but rather they are those who care  nothing about or have any regard towards God or His doctrines (teachings).
Conversely, ‘wise’ people are not necessarily intelligent, but they care for the things of God – His love, His Son, His Word and Holy Name and His Way of Salvation which leads to eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. They believe in eternal reward or eternal damnation because there is a resurrection from the dead. They believe in Heaven and a Hell where the foolish, those without a saving knowledge of God will go to.


In Psalm 15 we can basically see two things:
1. The Tabernacle reconsidered.
2. The Ten Commandments reconsidered.

Within the Spiritual Life Application Principles we can see three things about David:

1. His Worship.
2. His Walk.
3. His Ways.

Body of Teaching:

1. The Tabernacle reconsidered and David’s Worship – verse 1.
Lord, who shall abide in Thy Tabernacle? Who shall dwell in Thy Holy Hill?

Here are two questions that appertain to us all. From previous Psalms we have seen how David worshipped his Lord and God. cf. Psalm 5:7. Psalm 7:17. Psalm 9:2. Psalm 13:6.
He was a pilgrim with a steadfast heart and an overcomer because of his faith in God.
There is a twofold aspect to verse 1 – in this life and the one to come in Heaven.

2. The Ten Commandments reconsidered and David’s Walk and resulting Ways – verses 2 to 5.

You cannot just keep the 6th to the 10th Commandments to fulfil verse 3 of Psalm 15. David speaks of being upright, righteous, truthful, kind and considerate as well.

David’s character or walk was one of being restrained, respectful and reliable as verses 3 and 4 show us. His way in dealing with others in seen in verse 5 because he was fair and fixed or constant every time. The last part of verse 5 shows God’s blessing in not being moved. Being in Covenant relationship has earthly and eternal rewards. Amen.

Date : 30/11/-0001    

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