Introduction to Bible Study materials for the whole Bible

During the year of 2005 the writer believed the Lord showed him to produce bible study materials to help people to study the scriptures for themselves. By the grace of God, the writer has managed to complete putting together bible study material for all sixty-six books of the bible in January 2023.

There are numerous commentaries in abundance to help us in understanding the scriptures, but how many of us are really discovering what scripture really teaches? Are we prepared to really search the scriptures for ourselves or do we simply rely on the interpretation of others?

The aim of these bible studies is to provoke Christians to find out for themselves what scripture teaches. Hence there is no lengthy commentary on each book but a brief introduction followed by questions with bible references to help the bible student think for himself/herself. It is not God’s will to let other people do our thinking for us. Such an attitude in following your own bible teachers (see 2Timothy 4:3-4) could lead you away from growing in the word of God.

The writer believes when we are willing to persevere in reading and studying where possible all the books of the bible, we will be able to appreciate God’s overall plans that are revealed throughout the scriptures. In so doing, we may well meet personally with God himself the author of the bible. The Holy Spirit who is in all true believers in Jesus Christ will reveal what the truth is when we are prepared to study the scriptures in the way God has intended. It is right to pray as the psalmist did in writing “Open thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law” (Psalm 119:18 KJV). We are exhorted to “Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (handle correctly, correctly teach) the word of truth (2Timothy 2:15). There will be blessings in abundance if we persist daily in ongoing reading, meditation and study of the scriptures individually but also corporately where possible on a regular basis. May the Lord bless those of you for using these bible studies. If they have helped you to a greater understanding of the scriptures then God has been at work in putting these studies together and he must be given all the glory.

The following notes below give at least some suggestions in possible ways to have a bible study.

1) The bible studies have been placed in sections except for the shorter books. With only very few exceptions, all the questions will have bible references which you should look up and read carefully. There is no need to attempt all the questions but to cover those that may be suitable for that particular bible study group. The miscellaneous questions given in the study of longer books in the bible encourage more individual study although some bible study groups may feel they could attempt some of the questions in a corporate study.

2) The size of the bible study group/meeting may vary considerably. This bible study material has been intended for small groups of two to fifteen Christians meeting together at a midweek church meeting or a house group. Larger numbers are still possible depending on how such a meeting is organised.

3) It is helpful to have a person who is able to oversee the bible study group. Someone gifted in teaching the scriptures will be a real asset. It is important that such a person is sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in how a bible study should function. The writer believes that a bible study has to be interactive where everyone can contribute to the answers to the questions. Just one person giving a monologue for the allotted time and then to close the so-called study with prayer is not a bible study! There is a place for such expository teaching as seen in the larger meetings but such a meeting will be very often when the main church assembly will be meeting

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together. If you look carefully in the book of Acts the apostle Paul was involved in meetings where there was conversation with other brethren present as in the case of the all-night meeting at Troas. Although the words “preached” and “preaching” are given in Acts 20:7, 9 (KJV) the Greek word is “dialegomai” (1256 in Strong’s Greek Dictionary). It means to say thoroughly that is to discuss in argument or exhortation. The word can mean to dispute, to preach, to reason with, to speak. The English word from this Greek word is “dialogue” which is a conversation with two or more people. Leaders of Christian assemblies are doing a great disservice if they are not having small groups to allow people to discuss together the scriptures in a bible study. Doctrinal issues should be discussed openly even when there could be disagreement. Communication in bible studies opens up greater understanding of the word of God where we can learn from one another. When brethren persevere in bible study there will be blessing in seeing God revealing his word to us.

4) There may be groups that do not have anyone confident to lead a bible study. It is suggested that when you come together you could start the meeting with prayer and then read the scriptures together and perhaps have a discussion.

5) A time of worship with prayer and singing hymns, songs and psalms can be very beneficial before starting the bible study.

6) Leaders should come prepared with suitable bible material that can be introduced along with giving time for discussion. It may be helpful to give some teaching along with discussion throughout the study with a bit of time at the end to give a brief conclusion to the study where necessary.

7) Depending on the kind of bible study pursued, participants could be encouraged to do some personal study at home in preparation for the next bible study meeting. Where such people come ready to give a contribution of what they have discovered could lead to having an inspired bible study. Any additional resources such as a concordance and a cross-reference bible can be helpful to having a blessed bible study.

In conclusion, let us not miss the opportunity to see God meet with us in the scriptures and to give us an increasing hunger to grow in his word. The writer can testify to meeting the Lord personally whilst studying the scriptures. One example goes back many years ago to the time the writer was a postgraduate student in May 1973 when he was attending a bible study on the book of Nehemiah. He had such a revelation of what the book was all about for the first time that when he arrived home he read the entire book again that very night!

These bible studies have been put on a website. You are welcome to download all the bible study material available. All the material can be photocopied as much as you wish for bible studies in house groups or any other kind of assembly meeting. It is requested that this bible study material must not be used for any other publication in any form unless there is written consent has been given from the writer.

Richard A. Peacock February 2023.

The author of the bible study notes wishes to thank all those including my deceased wife who have supported me in the production of this material. I am particularly grateful to the Leeds Libraries especially the Pudsey, Bramley, Calverley and Farsley branches for the amount of extra time I was able to use on the computers to complete this work. Thanks goes particularly to the Farsley branch library staff in recent years to finish these studies that started in 2005. I express heartfelt thanks to Ian Fryer, a Leeds library assistant, with information technology skills. Without his input in setting up these studies in this format the production of these studies would not have been possible.

Date : 01/02/2023    Author : Richard A. Peacock

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