A God-given picture of a local church

Paul’s God given commandments and instructions

(cf. 1 Corinthians 14:37.)


The First letter to Timothy is clearly pastoral, it is guidance for Timothy being a young pastor but it has teaching towards all saints in all seasons during the Church age. In the following studies of 1 and 2 Timothy we shall see many insights and instructions, patterns, principles and procedures that we are to look to and follow.


On entering any church we should see a sign ‘How to behave in the House of God’. 1 Timothy 3:15.
On the wall perhaps we should see written ‘Be a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 1 Timothy 4:6.
The theme of every meeting should be Godliness. ‘For great is the mystery of godliness.’ 1 Timothy 3:16.


Chapter 1 – Here we see the Apostle teaching/instructing his younger leader in the faith regarding the commandment received from the Lord. (1 Timothy 1:5 – Love).
a. The minister is not to allow any other doctrine to be taught as some were doing and still try to do! (1 Timothy 1:3. cf. Galatians 1:6-12).
b. Love comes from 1) a pure heart, 2) a good conscience and 3) a sincere faith. (1 Timothy 1:5).

Chapter 2 – Here we see the church assembly room, the men in prayer with the women in Heaven’s adornment as they sit in submission before the Lord.
a. Headship is male.
b. Women are to learn in submission and not to teach or have authority over a man or men within the church. There are 4 qualities to be seen in women.

Chapter 3 – Here are the elders and deacons and what they should be before the Lord.
a. The biblical qualifications given by God to Paul. Women elders are not spoken of. Note that Elders are to be the husband of one wife. There are 14 qualities listed for elders to fulfil and 7 for deacons.

Chapter 4 – Here we see a picture and doctrine of the preacher and what his life should be.
a. A warning re the end times apostasy.
b. The minister is to be an example, giving attention to reading, exhortation and doctrine.

Chapter 5 – Here we see the poor and widows and wise elders.
a. How church members are to be treated.
b. Widows are to be honoured.
c. Elders are to be honoured. (cf. Hebrews 13:17, 24.)

Chapter 6 – Here we see the congregation, the saints, composed of rich and poor and the weekly collection (1 Cor 16:2) unto the Lord’s work within the Great Commission.
a. Honour those who employ you.
b. Instructions for the rich regarding good works and being willing to share.

Date : 30/11/-0001    

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